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//-->Saturday 30 May 2015IsPentax?best you can buy under £600KPentaxDSLR-S2the’snewPassionate about photography since 1884We testPanasonic’snew budget macro lensPanasonic30mm f/2.8Eye forPaul Gallagheron swapping his large-format flm camera for aNikon D800ELensbabyportraitsGive your people picsa unique twistGoingabstractThe best of your imagesfromAPOY round 2HOW TOfinance your photographyby running photography workshops© YERVANTNEW:THE PROFOTO OFF-CAMERAFLASH SYSTEM“I hadn’t enjoyed using fash for many years. Theones I tried were either too bulky or too restraining.The Profoto Off-Camera Flash System has changed that.Now, I can move around freely, follow the inspiration andcontrol the light in whatever situation I may fnd myself. Forme, it feels like the beginning of something new.”- Australian wedding photographer YervantSee the world’s best photographers using Profoto Off-Camera Flashon profoto.com/offcamerafashProfoto Ltd| Unit 21 Mcdonald Business Park, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 7EB| PHONE 01442 204919A week in photographyAP has periodically embracedthe moving image at varioustimes throughout its history –during the 1920s and ’30s themagazine was even calledTheAmateur Photographer and Cinematographer– but now that you can shoot both stills andvideo using the same camera the two mediumsare converging like never before. Many of ourreaders are drawn to the creative possibilitiesoffered by video, but it’s a subject too vast forAP to do justice to in just a few pages permonth so we decided to build a new websitededicated purely to the art of filmmaking usingDSLRs and CSCs. Launched this week,TheVideo Modefeatures a mix of video-relatednews, gear reviews, technique articles andvideos on all aspects of filmmaking, as well asprofiles on interesting videographers and theirwork. If you’re at all interested in shootingvideo with your camera, head over towww.thevideomode.com.Nigel Atherton, EditorJoin our Flickr groupat flickr.com/groups/amateurphotographerFollow uson Twitter@AP_Magazine7daysCOVER PICTURE © PAUL GALLAGHERIn this issue8Fujiflm X-T10Andy Westlake takes afirst look at the popularX-T1’s new little brother10Olympus 7-14mmf/2.8 and 8mmf/1.8 lensesAndy Westlake gets handson with Olympus’s newpremium lenses15Creative distortionGet your portraits noticedwith some clever in-cameradistortion techniques, saysJake Hicks24New horizonsPaul Gallagher on why henow shoots colour on aDSLR after shooting monoon large format for 25 years32Those whocan… teachThree workshop leadersshare their experience andtips with Tom Smallwood36APOY 2015 resultsWe reveal the top 30winners of our GoingAbstract round42AppraisalDamien Demolderexamines your images46Pentax K-S2Pentax’s mid-range DSLRpromises excellent value formoney. Andy Westlake findsout whether it delivers55Panasonic LumixG Macro 30mmf/2.8 AsphMega OISRichard Sibley puts anaffordable lens option forMicro Four Thirds usersthrough its paces37 days21Inbox44Accessories59TechnicalSupport90Final Analysis© PAUL WEEKSJOIN USONLINEamateurphotographer.co.ukLike us onFacebook.com/Amateur.photographer.magazineONLINE PICTURE OF THE WEEKIMAGES MAY BEUSED FOR PROMOTION PURPOSES ONLINE AND ON SOCIAL MEDIAIMAGES MAY BEUSED FOR PROMOTION PURPOSES ONLINE AND ON SOCIAL MEDIAMoon Danceby Paul WeeksThis haunting shot was takenin Patagonia by AP Flickr userPaul Weeks. The picture’s etherealquality comes from the fact thatit was lit entirely by the light of afull moon.‘Mount Fitz Roy had remainedhidden under a blanket of cloudsfor most of the day, my first inPatagonia,’ says Paul. ‘As a fullNikon D800E, 14-24mm, 25secs at f/3.5, ISO 2000moon began to rise, the cloudslifted, finally revealing the evasivemountain peaks. Luckily, I sawwhat was happening from mycampsite near a small glacialstream. I hurried to get into positionwith my camera and take thisphotograph, just before theclouds once again engulfedthe mountain peaks.’RegularsEachweek we choose our favouritepicture on Facebook, Flickr orthe reader gallery using#appicoftheweek.PermaJet proudly supports the online pictureof the week winner, who will receive atop-quality print of their image on the finestPermaJet paper. It is important to bringimages to life outside the digital sphere, so weencourage everyone to get printing today! Visitwww.permajet.comto learn more.Win!Send us your picturesIf you’d like to see your work published inAmateur Photographer,here’s how to send us your images:EmailEmail a selection of low-res images (up to 5MB of attachments in total) toappicturedesk@timeinc.com.CD/DVDSend us a disc of high-resolution JPEG, TIFF or PSD images (at least 2480 pixels along its longest length), with a contact sheet, to the address on page 22.Via our online communitiesPost your pictures into our Flickr group, Facebook page or the gallery on our website. See details above.Transparencies/printsWell-packaged prints or slides (without glass mounts) should be sent by Special Delivery, with a return SAE, to the address on page 22.NEWS ROUND-UPThe week in brief, edited by Chris CheesmanTimelapse gadgetA device that could bring timelapse photography to the masses hasproved to be a massive hit on Kickstarter. Billed as a ‘precisionmotion timelapse device’, Radian 2 is designed to allow wirelesscontrol of a camera via a Bluetooth connection. It physicallyconnects to a camera – or an image-capturing smartphone – usinga USB or external trigger port. Visit www.kickstarter.com.Imaging FestivalAt Park Cameras Imaging Festival, experts will be on hand fromcamera makers including Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Fujifilm, Sony,Panasonic and Pentax. There will also be free seminars and specialoffers. The festival takes place on 20 June at Park Cameras inBurgess Hill, West Sussex; and at its store in London, on 27 June.For details visit www.parkcameras.com/Festival2015.Magnum acesMagnum Photos and PhotoLondon have nominated tenphotographers for the inauguralMagnum Graduate PhotographerAward, which aims to giveexposure and help to youngphotographers who haverecently graduated from adegree course. Visit www.magnumphotos.com formore details.Drone jail alertDrone users should be banned from flying their device over urbanareas unless they have a licence that demands the same amountof training as an aircraft pilot, say 40% of British adults surveyedby the British AirlinePilots’Association. Also, 50%of those polled said thatdrone users should be handed aprison sentence if their device‘endangers an aircraft (but doesnot cause the aircraft to crash)’.©PETER MACDIARMID/GETTY IMAGES© SIAN DAVEYWEEKEND PROJECTUpdate your frmwareYour camera’s functionality is controlled by a host ofmicroprocessors running frmware. In essence, thisis your camera’s operating system, and just as youcan update the operating system on your computeror smartphone, you can do the same with yourcamera. While some frmware updates fx bugs thatonly become apparent afer the camera has beenreleased, other frmware updates go a bit further, insome cases transforming the performance of thecamera thanks to a number of tweaks. In addition,new features can be installed and functionalitycan be refned owing to feedback gathered fromphotographers shooting with the camera. If youhaven’t done it in a while, it’s worth doing so to makesure you’re getting the best from your camera.1EarthLapse videoA timelapse video of theplanet from across fivecontinents and 11 timezones has been launchedby Triggertrap. Forty-fivephotographers submitted12,500 images to create thetimelapse, which takes in arange of locations. Visitvimeo.com/126477549.4Look up currentfirmwareFinding outwhat firmware yourcamera is running isn’t always asimple task. Some require youto switch off the camera andthen hold a couple of buttons.Check your manual or online.Find the firmwarepageNow head to themanufacturer’s supportand downloads site, and, after asearch for your camera model,follow the links to the latestfirmware. Check that it’s thelatest version first.230 May 2015Iwww.amateurphotographer.co.ukIsubscribe 0330 333 4555pictureMay’s General Electionsees the Conservativesstaying in powerWhat was supposed to beone of the closet GeneralElection battles of recent yearsquickly turned out to be a victoryfor the Conservative Party earlierthis month. Not long after theresults were announced, EdMiliband (pictured) declared thathe would be stepping down asLeader of the Labour Party, afteradmitting that the scale of thedefeat had taken both him andhis staff by surprise. PeterMacdiarmid’s near-premonitoryimage from November 2014shows just how important it is tostay alert when working in thefield of reportage. Politicalphotojournalism is often knownfor its absurd and humorousnature. Here we have an excellentexample, and one that couldwell come to symbolise Ed’sexit from leadership.BIGWords & numbersFollow instructionsFollow themanufacturer’sguidelines. If you need totransfer the firmware to a card,check that you have formattedthe memory card and fullycharged the batteries.3Photographycan onlyrepresent thepresent. Oncephotographed,the subjectbecomes partof the pastAmerican photographer1898-1991Check yourcameramanufacturer’swebsite to seewhat firmwareupdates areavailableBerenice Abbott4InstallEachmanufacturer’s websitewill provide detailedinstructions. In essence, youtransfer the firmware to amemory card, pop it in yourcamera and follow thedirections for the update.194,000The number of people employedworldwide by Canon Inc.The Tokyo-based companywas founded in 19375subscribe 0330 333 4555Iwww.amateurphotographer.co.ukI30 May 2015 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] - zanotowane.pl
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