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American Jiu-Jitsu
Len Lanius, originator of American Jiu Jitsu, and author of this book, is a
living example of the value of physical training and of the efficiency of the system he
teaches. Early in life he developed himself from a sickly lad into one of the most
noted athletes of two continents, holding the lightweight wrestling championship of
the world for a number of years. During his career he defeated antagonists of a
much heavier class than that in which he was rated, and it was in meeting these
larger men that he developed original methods of offense and defense that were
gradually elaborated into the system of American Jiu Jitsu of today. The success of
these earlier experiments in a smaller man overcoming a larger by a scientific
use of whatever strength he might possess, encouraged Mr. Lanius to make a
complete and thorough study of this work, which eventually reached the stage at
which it could be, and is, demonstrably successful against any system of a similar
F, as we have been taught to believe, "Self preservation is the
first law of Nature," then man is guilty of greater violation of this
initial statute on the book of rules of our common mother than of
almost any other commandment credited to this wise old lady.
Nature has been bountiful in the matter of providing means of self
preservation; but man has taken little advantage of this generosity, with
the result that there are conditions continually arising where self preser-
vation, in the way of self protection, is called for, with man unprepared to
meet them.
This fact finds its greatest demonstration in the ease with which the
criminal classes have been able to ply their preying trade upon the
general public, during the past few years particularly, with compara-
tively little or no resistance from the victims.
Because the victims were unprepared to meet these assaults — had
not learned the first passage in the law of self preservation — the rule of
self protection — and so were practically helpless in the hands of their
This condition should not exist; and it would not exist, if the
general public could be made to realize that they are not helpless to
meet such emergencies — that the story of David and Goliath, brought
up to date in the matter of matching science against brute strength, is a
fact and easy of demonstration.
The compiling of this little volume firmly establishes the fact that
all persons, regardless of sex, can train themselves in this system of
self defense in a manner that will be most effective in any emergency,
giving not only self protection, but self confidence to the user.
For years the author has given a close study to the development of
this system of self protection, which he has named American Jiu Jitsu.
The work is strictly of American origin, although the Japanese term Jiu
Jitsu is used in the title. The author has used this term because of its
meaning — bone breaking or muscle wrenching as this is the form of
punishment that is used to overpower and bring an opponent under
This system has been built up step by step and much thought and
careful study has been given to devising its most practical and im-
portant features — personal protection without danger of personal
Naturally the reader will ask, "Can I learn this course?" "Can I
master this system?" "Can I become strong enough to defend myself?"
"Will I accomplish a definite and beneficial result?" The answer to
each of these questions is strongly in the affirmative, the only proviso
being a careful study of this work and a sufficient amount of practice.
The following tenets and rules of American Jiu Jitsu as here set forth
will enable one to attain self confidence — health and strength — to
meet emergencies fearlessly and to overcome mental as well as
physical dangers with the serene assurance of having the advantage and
being the master of the situation.
First, secure a partner, preferably some friend who is interested
and will practice with you; however, any member of the family will
To successfully learn the art of overpowering others who may be
larger and stronger, it is necessary that you understand the different
positions of the body, which will
give you the greatest power either
for defense or attack.
Assuming you are now ready to
start: Stand in your normal position
and have your practice partner push
you by placing both of his hands on
your shoulders. Notice how easily
you may become unbalanced. Now
take the following position; step
back with one foot and bend slightly
at the knees; lean forward, tensing
the muscles of the abdomen and rear
leg. (See illustration No. 1.)
Have your partner push you again.
You will notice that you have
greatly increased your resistive power, and that it
requires considerable more force to cause you to become unbalanced.
The position of defense not only aids you in warding off the impact of
your opponent's strength, but places you in a position to make a
counter attack. To take away the power of your opponent is easy to
accomplish, even though at first it seems difficult.
Alternately take the role of victim and aggressor. Unresistingly
allow each trick to be practiced on you until its full force may be felt;
in turn practice it on your partner.
Execute the beginning of the trick quickly, but the final action
slowly. This will give you a chance to note your power and guard
against possible injuries.
All practice should be formal, not competitive; once you start
wrestling in a haphazard way, it will hinder your progress in learning.
Your partner is aware of what you wish to try, but should not take
advantage of this knowledge.
Compare your poses with each illustration until you have fully
mastered the positions. Remember that in learning, it is not speed that
counts, but getting the full control of the body and the art of applying its
Work very slowly at first and note the position of your body that
gives you the greatest power.
Uniformity in strength is very essential in practice. The larger
and stronger should tone down his strength to equal that of his partner.
This will make the exercise more interesting and beneficial.
This system of defense is so devised that any woman can practice it
with safety. In fact, a woman having this knowledge can not only defend
herself against a ruffian, but will retain her presence of mind and keep
cool in any emergency. With careful study and practice it can be
fully mastered within a short time; but the more you go through the
practice the greater will be your power in the use of your body and the
more confidence you will develop within yourself.
Illustration No. 1
Regardless of your strength, if you become unbalanced, your
power to resist has been removed until you again secure the balance
control of your body. It is by taking advantage of this principle, that
many of the locks and throws in this course are accomplished.
Understanding the advantage of learning to control your balance —
of increasing your power through assuming the position of defense
— and how to render useless the
strength of your opponent by un-
balancing; we are now ready to
master the important knowledge of
the correct use of the feet and legs.
Much of your power both as a
means of defense and attack is
largely controlled by the correct
use of your feet. It is, therefore,
essential, that you learn to use
your feet with as much confidence as
you would your hands.
That the principle of unbalancing and its many advantages may
be fully understood, we will start in the simplest way.
Stand a short distance apart;
have your partner reach as though to
seize you around the waist; grasp
both of his wrists firmly and quickly
step back to position of defense;
pulling him forward and off balance
either to your right or left. (See
illustration No. 2.) Learn to
unbalance in any direction as the
occasion may demand.
Now practice unbalancing as
your partner reaches out with
either hand; should he reach with
Illustration No. 2
Start from your usual position,
grasp your partner's right wrist
Illustration No.
right, grasp his wrist with your
right, step back with right foot to
position of defense, pulling him
forward and off balance to your
right side.
turn your entire body to the right so that you are both facing the
same way. Step in front of him with your left foot and place your left
arm around his back, throw him
forward over your leg by pulling
hard on his right arm. (See
illustration No. 4.)
Take position by grasping each
others arms just below shoulders,
now slip your right hand under
partner's left elbow and push upward,
at the same time tighten your grip
on his right arm and pull
downward. (See illustration No. 3.)
Unbalance him by forcing him back
and to the right. Reverse this
practice by pushing his
Illustration No. 3
right arm up and unbalance by forcing him back and to the left.
These are simple illustrations that show the ease in which one
may unbalance another.
On many occasions this throw
will be used by violently swinging
your foot back and sweeping his
feet from under him. Be sure and
practice this from both right and
left sides.
Stand facing your partner.
Grasp his right wrist with your
left hand. (See illustration No. 5.)
Step back, pulling him so as to
make him step forward with the
right foot. Quickly place your
Illustration No. 5
right foot behind his right and your arm around his waist; throw
him backward over your leg. (See illustration No. 6.) Also have
your partner stand in an offguard
position with his feet close together
and execute the same throw by
omitting to pull him forward. Re-
verse this practice by making the on
your partner's left
Have your partner grasp your
wrists. Turn your forearm so that
the thin edge of your wrist (thumb
side) faces the opening between
his thumb and first finger. This
opening is the weakest point of his
grip. Bring your elbows in close
to your stomach so as to use the
full power of the abdominal
The back heel is the most valuable
method by which a throw can be
made with the feet.
Face your partner in the usual
manner and grasp each others
arms at the shoulders; suddenly
place your left hand under his
right elbow and unbalance him by
Illustration No. 6
Whip your hands up and out; this
will break his hold. (See illustra-
tion No. 8.)
Illustration No. 8
pulling to your right side with the
right hand and shove up on his
elbow with your left hand. Swing
your right foot violently striking your
partner back of the knee joint with
your heel. (See illustration No. 7.)
This will cause him to fall backward.
Now reverse this entire position and
use the left foot to back heel.
Lesson No. 2 is just preliminary
practice of the leg throws, and
should not be confused with the
regular work. When instructed to
follow with the front leg throw or
back heel, you should utilize only the
part as executed with the feet.
Illustration No. 7
Twist arm till thin edge of your
wrist is toward the opening be-
tween his thumb and fingers.
Pry your wrist out of his grip by
tensing your arm and pushing your
elbow around to his elbow, using the
edge of his hand as a fulcrum for a
Swing toward him so as to use the
force of your body back of your
arm. (See illustration No. 9.)
lustration No. 9
throw s
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