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    //-->1AN EXALTATION OF LARKSBooks by Robert ReedThe RemarkablesDown the Bright WayBlack MilkThe Hormone JungleThe Leeshore*Beyond the Veil of Stars*An Exaltation of Larks*Beneath the Gated Sky*denotes a Tor book1ROBERT REEDANEXALTATIONOFLARKSROBERT REEDA TOM DOHERTY ASSOCIATES BOOK / NEW YORK23AN EXALTATION OF LARKSROBERT REEDThis is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this novel are eitherfictitious or are used fictitiously.AN EXALTATION OF LARKSCopyright © 1995 by Robert ReedAll rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, inany form.This book is printed on acid-free paper.Edited by James FrenkelA Tor BookPublished by Tom Doherty Associates, Inc. 175 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10010Tor Books on the World Wide Web: http://www.tor.comTor® is a registered trademark of Tom Doherty Associates, Inc.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataReed, Robert.An exaltation of larks / by Robert Reed, p. cm."A Tom Doherty Associates book."ISBN 0-312-85887-6 (pb)I. Title. PS3568.E3696E93 1995813'.54—dc20 95-35363CIPFirst hardcover edition: December 1995 First trade paperback edition: March 1998Printed in the United States of America0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 213ROBERT REEDOld To Main, and theprofessors who made me notice themuch larger world45AN EXALTATION OF LARKSTHE ENDforget, if only so that it can do everything again for the first time.Yet this is not a time of birds.It is a time of turtles.In the bitter chill at the end of Everything, the great turtles gather attheir traditional place, summoning the last of their energies as they wait.There are no stars now, just blackness. No emissions or radiations of note.No passion, certainly. Even simple atoms are scarce, and feeble, the ancientlaws of the universe beginning to sputter and fail. Which is exactly as theturtles wish.But every so often, beyond the ken of their senses, hoarded energies arecracking the Now, allowing others to leap into the remote past—to do whatturtles alone should do. What is their logical, sober and immortal right.Criminals, these are.Selfish monsters, think the selfless turtles.One particular turtle makes his last preparations, including a quiet re-formulation of intricate security plans. His brothers and sisters may allowthe occasional criminal to pass unnoticed. But he is different, he promiseshimself. Better than them, or at least more relentless.Once he is ready, and without fanfare, the turtle focuses his preciousenergy on a tiny, tiny portion of fragile Space.The Now is shattered.And the turtle carefully, carefully leaps through Time, dropping all theway back to the hot and vivid realm of birds.Youth is a bird.A simple and vivid wild bird. Quick to anger, and love, and hungry to5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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