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erhaps you have visited Niagara Falls, one of North America's largest
A Tumble of Water
waterfalls. Now picture Niagara eighteen times higher. You can begin
to imagine the breathtaking sight of the highest waterfall in the world,
Venezuela's Angel Falls.
Salto Ángel
in Spanish, Angel Falls sends water tumbling more than
3,212 feet (979 meters) off a mountain cliff The water falls so far that it
makes a deafening roar as it
hits the rocks and water
below. As people approach
Angel Falls from a distance,
they say they hear its constant
"whoosh" from as far as 3
miles (4.8 kilometers) away.
Angel Falls pours off the
edge of a mountain called
Auyán Tepuy.The falls are
fed by the Churún River.
Angel Falls Facts:
• Angel Falls stands 3,212 feet (979 m)
high, the highest waterfall in the
world. It is almost twice as high as
the world's tallest building.
• AuyánTepuy stands 8,400 feet
(2,560 m) above sea level.
• Angel Falls is part of Venezuela's
Canaima National Park.The park
features many other mountains
and waterfalls.
• Its longest uninterrupted drop is
2,648 feet (807 m)—also the
highest in the world.
O c p a n
Natural Wonders
where in the World?
ngel Falls is located in Venezuela, one of the most northern countries
in South America. The waterfall and its mountain are part of the Gran
Sabana, where rolling
grasslands are interrupted by huge
(flat-topped mountains). The Gran Sabana is part of the larger Guayana
Highlands region. The highlands stretch from Venezuela to the southeast
and cross several countries' borders.
The rainy season in the Gran Sabana lasts from May to November. Clouds
blow in from the Atlantic Ocean, causing huge amounts of rain to fall on the
region. These sudden downpours help to feed the many rivers that crisscross
the land. Some of the rivers eventually empty at waterfalls. There are
hundreds of waterfalls in the region, but none is as amazing as Angel Falls.
9 Some 965,000 square miles (2.5 million sq km) of savannah cover Venezuela
and other South American countries.
Angel Falls may be the highest waterfall, but nearby Roraima
Tepuy is the highest mountain in the Guayana Highlands. The
stunning mountain is surrounded by jungles containing strange
and rare wildlife. Many plants that grow here are found no place
else on Earth.
Some people exploring Roraima feel as if they have stepped into a
prehistoric age. That very idea inspired British author Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle to write his 1912 novel
The Lost World.
In the book,
a group of explorers discover a land of dinosaurs and ape-men on
the mountain. Today, people often refer to the entire Gran Sabana
as the "lost world."
Roraima Tepuy's
immense flat top
ranges for 26 square
miles (67 sq km).
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