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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and
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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
512 Forest Lake Drive
Warner Robins, Georgia 31093
Missing in Action
Copyright © 2007 by Amanda Young
ISBN: 1-59998-442-3
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case
of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
electronic publication: March 2007
Missing In Action
Amanda Young
To my wonderful husband John,
Who puts up with my constant scribbling with love and affection.
To my critique partner Nancy,
For her unfailing support and constant nagging.
To my sister Diana,
Who believed in my stories before I did.
To Sasha, Editor extraordinaire,
Who took a chance on a new writer.
Missing In Action
Chapter One
The smile on Sara’s face felt strained, her skin stretched tight over
her high cheekbones, as she watched Cindy raise yet another toast to
her. The irony that they were out celebrating her engagement and she
was the one being the party pooper wasn’t lost on her.
Cindy flipped her long wheat-colored hair over one shoulder and
lifted her tequila into the air with unsteady hands. Liquor sloshed over
the rim and spilled onto the laminated, faux-wood table between them.
“To you and Mark, may you live happily ever after.”
Sara set her drink down untouched. Cindy arched a perfectly
sculpted blonde brow at her. “You know, I think it’s bad luck not to drink
when someone toasts you.”
Elbows perched on the edge of the table, Sara bent forward and
hollered over the loud thump of the bass ricocheting around them. “It
might be bad luck, but if you insist that I drink one more shot of this
sludge, I’m going to puke.” Sara stuck out her tongue. “When I do, I’m
going to aim for those new designer heels you’re wearing.”
Cindy blanched. “You wouldn’t dare.”
Sara hid an amused smile behind her hand. Cindy’s strappy sandals
probably cost more than her rent. “Bet me.”
“All right, you win. No more alcohol tonight. I think I’ve had more
than my fair share of tequila anyway.”
“Yours and mine both, girl. You’re going to have a hell of a hangover
in the morning.”
“Nope, you know I don’t get hangovers. Besides, even if I did, it would
be well worth it. How many times does a girl get to celebrate her best
friend’s engagement?”
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