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    season nine recipes
    episodes 901-914
    EpisodE 901
    The Best Blueberry pie
    Foolproof pie Dough
    Blueberry pie
    EpisodE 908
    soups of the day
    Beef and Vegetable soup
    Hearty Tuscan Bean stew
    EpisodE 902
    French Classics, Reimagined
    French chicken in a pot
    French onion soup
    EpisodE 909
    Bringing Home
    italian Favorites
    chicken saltimbocca
    EpisodE 903
    dinner with a Latin Accent
    Latino-style chicken and rice
    (arroz con pollo)
    sizzling Garlic shrimp
    EpisodE 910
    Everyone’s Favorite Cake
    Flufy Yellow Layer cake
    with chocolate Frosting
    EpisodE 904
    The Crunchiest pork Chops Ever
    crunchy Baked pork chops
    simple applesauce
    EpisodE 911
    Resurrecting the
    Roast Beef dinner
    inexpensive roast Beef
    Mashed potatoes and root Vegetables
    EpisodE 905
    perfecting pasta sauces
    simple italian-style Meat sauce
    pasta with creamy Tomato sauce
    EpisodE 912
    south-of-the-Border supper
    enchiladas Verdes
    steak Tacos
    EpisodE 906
    Easy Apple desserts
    skillet apple pie
    applesauce snack cake
    EpisodE 913
    Lunchtime specials
    pizza Bianca
    creamless creamy Tomato soup
    EpisodE 907
    one Great Thanksgiving
    Herbed roast Turkey
    Flufy Mashed potatoes
    EpisodE 914
    Fish Made Easy
    poached salmon with Herb
    and caper Vinaigrette
    crunchy oven-Baked Fish
    season nine recipes
    episodes 915-926
    EpisodE 915
    A Grand, sweet Finale
    Grand Marnier soulé
    individual Make-ahead
    chocolate soulés
    EpisodE 921
    Grilled Rack of Lamb dinner
    Grilled rack of Lamb
    summer Vegetable Gratin
    EpisodE 916
    Holiday Ham and Biscuits
    Glazed spiral-sliced Ham
    Best Drop Biscuits
    EpisodE 922
    Four-star stufed Chicken
    stufed chicken Breasts
    Green Beans amandine
    EpisodE 917
    Let’s do Chinese
    pork stir-Fry with noodles (Lo Mein)
    Teriyaki stir-Fried Beef with Green
    Beans and shiitakes
    EpisodE 923
    Breadmaking, simpliied
    almost no-Knead Bread
    skillet soda Bread
    EpisodE 918
    pork on the Grill
    Grilled pork Loin with
    apple-cranberry Filling
    sautéed spinach with almonds
    and Golden raisins
    EpisodE 924
    Weeknight summer supper
    charcoal-Grilled Bone-in
    chicken Breasts
    Greek cherry Tomato salad
    EpisodE 919
    old-Fashioned snack Cakes
    oatmeal cake with Broiled icing
    spice cake with cream cheese
    EpisodE 925
    French Country Cooking
    Daube provençal
    Meringue cookies
    EpisodE 920
    Backyard steak and potatoes
    Grilled Marinated Flank steak
    Grilled potatoes with Garlic
    and rosemary
    EpisodE 926
    puddings—from simple
    to spectacular
    classic crème caramel
    stovetop rice pudding
    from episode 901: the best blueberry pie
    FoolprooF pie dough
    MAkEs EnouGH FoR onE 9-inCH douBLE-CRusT piE
    Vodka is essential to the texture of the crust and imparts no
    flavor—do not substitute. This dough will be moister and more
    supple than most standard pie doughs and will require more flour
    to roll out (up to ¼ cup).
    2½ cups (12½ ounces) unbleached all-purpose flour
    1 teaspoon salt
    2 tablespoons sugar
    12 tablespoons (1½ sticks) cold unsalted butter,
    cut into ¼-inch slices
    ½ cup cold vegetable shortening, cut into 4 pieces
    ¼ cup cold vodka
    ¼ cup cold water
    Pulse 1½ cups of the f lour, salt, and sugar in a food proces-
    sor until combined, about two 1-second pulses. Add the butter and
    shortening and process until a homogeneous dough just starts to
    collect in uneven clumps, about 15 seconds (the dough will resemble
    cottage cheese curds and there should be no uncoated f lour). Scrape
    down the bowl with a rubber spatula and redistribute the dough
    evenly around the processor blade. Add the remaining 1 cup f lour
    and pulse until the mixture is evenly distributed around the bowl and
    the mass of dough has been broken up, 4 to 6 quick pulses. Empty the
    mixture into a medium bowl.
    Sprinkle the vodka and water over the mixture. With a
    rubber spatula, use a folding motion to mix, pressing down on the
    dough until the dough is slightly tacky and sticks together. Divide
    the dough into two even balls and f latten each into a 4-inch disk.
    Wrap each in plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 45 minutes or up
    to 2 days.
    photo credit: carl tremblay
    © 2008 america’s Test Kitchen. all rights reserved.
    from episode 901: the best blueberry pie
    BlueBerry pie
    MAkEs onE 9-inCH piE
    This recipe was developed using fresh blueberries, but unthawed
    frozen blueberries (our favorite brands are Wyman’s and
    cascadian Farm) will work as well. in step 2, cook half the frozen
    berries over medium-high heat, without mashing, until reduced to
    1¼ cups, 12 to 15 minutes. Grind the tapioca to a powder in a spice
    grinder or mini food processor. if using pearl tapioca, reduce the
    amount to 5 teaspoons.
    1 recipe Foolproof pie dough
    6 cups (about 30 ounces) fresh blueberries (see
    1 Granny smith apple, peeled and grated on large
    holes of box grater
    2 teaspoons grated zest and 2 teaspoons juice
    from 1 lemon
    ¾ cup (5¼ ounces) sugar
    2 tablespoons instant tapioca, ground (see note)
    pinch salt
    2 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into ¼-inch pieces
    1 large egg, lightly beaten with 1 teaspoon water
    photo credit: carl tremblay
    Adjust an oven rack to the lowest position, place a rimmed
    baking sheet on the oven rack, and heat the oven to 400 degrees.
    Place 3 cups of the berries in a medium saucepan and set over
    medium heat. Using a potato masher, mash the berries several times
    to release the juices. Continue to cook, stirring frequently and mash-
    ing occasionally, until about half of the berries have broken down
    and the mixture is thickened and reduced to 1½ cups, about 8 min-
    utes. Let cool slightly.
    Place the grated apple in a clean kitchen towel and wring dry.
    Transfer the apple to a large bowl. Add the cooked berries, remaining
    3 cups uncooked berries, the lemon zest, lemon juice, sugar, tapioca,
    and salt; toss to combine. Transfer the mixture to the dough-lined
    pie plate and scatter the butter pieces over the filling.
    Roll out the second disk of dough on a generously f loured
    (up to ¼ cup) work surface to an 11-inch circle, about ⅛ inch thick.
    Using a 1¼-inch round biscuit cutter, cut a round from the center of
    the dough. Cut another 6 rounds from the dough, 1½ inches from
    the edge of the center hole and equally spaced around the center hole.
    Roll the dough loosely around the rolling pin and unroll over the pie,
    leaving at least a ½-inch overhang on each side.
    Using kitchen shears, trim the bottom layer of the over-
    hanging dough, leaving a ½-inch overhang. Fold the dough under
    itself so that the edge of the fold is f lush with the outer rim of the
    pie plate. Flute the edges using your thumb and forefinger or press
    with the tines of a fork to seal. Brush the top and edges of the pie
    with the egg mixture. If the dough is very soft, chill in the freezer
    for 10 minutes.
    Place the pie on the heated baking sheet and bake 30 minutes.
    Reduce the oven temperature to 350 degrees and continue to bake
    until the juices bubble and the crust is deep golden brown, 30 to 40
    minutes longer. Transfer the pie to a wire rack; cool to room tem-
    perature, at least 4 hours. Cut into wedges and serve.
    Roll out one of the dough disks on a generously f loured (up
    to ¼ cup) work surface to a 12-inch circle, about ⅛ inch thick. Roll
    the dough loosely around the rolling pin and unroll into a 9-inch
    pie plate, leaving at least a 1-inch overhang on each side. Working
    around the circumference, ease the dough into the plate by gently
    lifting the edge of the dough with one hand while pressing into the
    plate bottom with the other hand. Leave the dough that overhangs
    the plate in place; refrigerate while preparing the filling until the
    dough is firm, about 30 minutes.
    © 2008 america’s Test Kitchen. all rights reserved.
    from episode 902: french classics, reimagined
    French chicken in a pot
    sERvEs 4
    The cooking times in the recipe are for a 42- to 5-pound bird. a
    32- to 42-pound chicken will take about an hour to cook, and a
    5- to 6-pound bird will take close to 2 hours. We developed this
    recipe to work with a 5- to 8-quart Dutch oven with a tight-fitting
    lid. if using a 5-quart pot, do not cook a chicken larger than 5
    pounds. if using a kosher chicken, reduce the amount of kosher
    salt to 1 teaspoon (or 2 teaspoon table salt). if you choose not to
    serve the skin with the chicken, simply remove it before carving.
    The amount of jus will vary depending on the size of the chicken;
    season it with about ¼ teaspoon lemon juice for every ¼ cup.
    1 whole roasting chicken (4½ to 5 pounds),
    giblets removed and discarded, wings tucked
    under back (see note)
    2 teaspoons kosher salt or 1 teaspoon table salt
    ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    1 small onion, chopped medium (about ½ cup)
    1 small celery rib, chopped medium (about ¼ cup)
    6 medium garlic cloves, peeled and trimmed
    1 bay leaf
    1 medium sprig fresh rosemary (optional)
    ½–1 teaspoon juice from 1 lemon
    photo credit: carl tremblay
    Adjust an oven rack to the lowest position and heat the
    oven to 250 degrees. Pat the chicken dry with paper towels and
    season with salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a large Dutch oven over
    medium heat until just smoking. Add the chicken breast side down;
    scatter the onion, celery, garlic, bay leaf, and rosemary (if using)
    around the chicken. Cook until the breast is lightly browned, about
    5 minutes. Using a wooden spoon inserted into the cavity of the
    bird, f lip the chicken breast side up and cook until the chicken and
    vegetables are well browned, 6 to 8 minutes. Remove the Dutch
    oven from the heat; place a large sheet of foil over the pot and cover
    tightly with the lid. Transfer the pot to the oven and cook until an
    instant-read thermometer registers 160 degrees when inserted in
    the thickest part of the breast and 175 degrees in the thickest part
    of the thigh, 80 to 110 minutes.
    Transfer the chicken to a carving board, tent with foil, and
    allow to rest 20 minutes. Meanwhile, strain the chicken juices from
    the pot through a fine-mesh strainer into a fat separator, pressing on
    the solids to extract the liquid; discard the solids (you should have
    about 4 cup juices). Allow the liquid to settle 5 minutes, then pour
    into a saucepan and set over low heat. Carve the chicken, adding any
    accumulated juices to the saucepan. Stir the lemon juice into the jus
    to taste (see note). Serve the chicken, passing the jus at the table.
    © 2008 america’s Test Kitchen. all rights reserved.
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