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    //-->AMERICANDecoratingALL THATLATEST TRENDS AND TECHNIQUESfor metallic dusts,edible paints and moreGlittersExpert4ADVICEon achieving the perfectmetallic effects—from mirrorsleek to elegantly agedAND 5 BONUSDIGITAL TUTORIALSTUTORIALSfrom Pastry Team USA,recent worldbronze medalistsMAY | JUNE 2015 • ISSUE 396P lusWINNINGRECIPESA Celebration of...CAKESUGAR ARTCHOCOLATEDAY GUEST PERFORMANCES BY:Cakemaker for the Queen!MICH TURNERTV’s Favorite Cake Decorator!BUDDY VALASTRORON BEN ISRAELThe King Of Cakes!Pastry Chef to The White House!ROLAND MESNIEROverPresented byHands-On Classes and Demonstrations!of the Greatest Cake Artists in the World!Cake Competitions • Live Global Cake Challenge • Theater Presentations • Sugar Art Fashion ShowChocolate Zone • Wedding Zone • Kids Zone • Sugar Art Zone ...and so much more!Orange County Convention Center & Hyatt Regency Hotel • Orlando, Florida, USASeptember 18-20, 2015CakeFair.comVisitSatinIce.comfor cake decorating tutorials, inspiration and helpful tools!CONTENTAMERICAN CAKE DECORATINGMAY | JUNE 2015ISSUE 396FEATURES07SHOWCASE:ALLTHAT GLITTERSMetallics are hot! Consumers arelooking for any way possible toget shimmer and shine, glimmerand glamour on their cakes.58TUTORIAL:SHIMMERINGORGANZA RUFFLESGelatin sheets and metallic airbrush colorscombine to create elegantly translucent ruffles.By Nisha Fernando50TUTORIAL:FILIGREE FANTASIESDelicate filigree work and stunninggemstones make for magnificentbrooches that form the center of a rangeof fantasy flowers.By Michele Hester54TUTORIAL:MIXED METALSTips, tricks, techniques and more forworking with edible gold or silver leafand metallic dusts.By Marilyn BawolAMERICANDecoratingALL THATLATEST TRENDS AND TECHNIQUESON THE COVERIncrEDIBLE Art Cakes | Cochin, IndiaThis baptism cake was eventually finished off witha name plaque for baby Thalia, while the flowerblossom on the top contains a miniature sleepinginfant made from gumpaste. See more of Jaseel’swork at facebook.com/INCREDIBLEART.for metallic dusts,edible paints and moreGlittersExpert4ADVICERUMANA JASEEL62TUTORIAL:VINTAGE VANITYIsomalt is the basis for gleaming stopperedvases and strands of colorful beads, butmetallic accents are the glamorous extra touch.By Lisa Berczelon achieving the perfectmetallic effects—from mirrorsleek to elegantly agedAND 5 BONUSDIGITAL TUTORIALSTUTORIALSfrom Pastry Team USA,recent worldbronze medalistsMAY | JUNE 2015 • ISSUE 396P lusWINNINGRECIPESMAY | JUNE2015americancakedecorating.com1IN EVERY ISSUE06SHARE YOUR LOVEDessert professionals provide a glimpseinto their current passions.32SPECIALFEATUREThe Good, the Badand the Glitter:The importance of “bling”as an element of cake design has lead to thewide-spread use of non-toxic, but non-food-safedisco dust. But there are several edible alternatives.By Ramona A. Bause18IN MYKITCHENRoland Mesnierpulls the brake.40TEST KITCHENDedicated to the Task:Cake decorators havelong “made do” with tools developed for othercrafts, so when a new company introduceda set of products made specifically by cakedecorators for cake decorators, we had to putthem to the test.By Kristen Ostrowski19THE MADELEINEQUESTIONNAIREElysia Root3420A Competitive Spirit:On January26of thisyear Josh Johnson experienced an emotionalrollercoaster as years of dedication and hardwork was condensed into a single, demandingday, the culmination of which was a bronzemedal at the Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisseriein Lyon, France.By Susan SchultzSWEET SCIENCEPROFILERich Whites:The seemingly bland, colorlessappearance of egg whites hides a wealth ofimportant proteins of tremendous value toany baker.By Junita Bognanni44A MATTER OF TASTESweet, Tart and Tangy:A deliciousexploration of citrus, in all its forms andflavors.By Nicholas Lodge38Free For All:CatherineRuehle, a pastry chef andcake artist turned wellnessfoods chef, developed60gluten-free cake recipes forthe recently released bookLet Us All Eat Cake.By Sharon SpradleyBY THE BOOK24BUSINESS MINDEDManaging a Rebrand:Sometimes a businessgrows and changes too much to be comfortablein its original identity. Understanding why,when and how to proceed can make thetransition easier.By Erin Gardner48WORKSTATIONProducts of interestfrom recent shows.28COLOR STORYModern Day Metals:Shining and seductive,metallic accents are more popular than ever.With all the options currently available, here’san overview of how to best go for the gold…or silver…or copper.By Elizabeth Marek68LAST BITELemon Meringue Cupcakes:Sunny andfluffy, these cupcakes conceal more than justa sweet-tart lemon curd filling, they’re alsogluten-free. A bonus recipe fromLet Us All EatCakeby Catherine Ruehle with Sarah Scheffel.2americancakedecorating.comMAY | JUNE2015Over 9500 Items in Stock and Priced Right!NEWCorrugated CakeboardsRoyal Icing RosesNEWBaking CupsNEWGumpaste FlowersPastry BagDispenser BoxCandy ToppingsW W W. C A K E D E C O. C O M718-545-4600NEWFondant Sea ShellsFloral Wires [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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