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//-->L17WEEKSANEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!ibkrTHE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OFWORKINGINTERVIEWS A HUNDRED AMERICANS ANDUNCOVERS A THOUSAND DREAMS^Ballantine/Nonfiction/29736/$3.50VOICES FROMAMERICAN DREAMS:LOSTAND FOUNDA corporate attorneyIwant to get married, have two kids,two cars, two color TV sets,and live in the suburbsoutside Los Angeles... But I want tomaintain my individuality.A fruitpicker from ChicagoMydreams are gigantic...if I could start out the ignoramus I was,not knowing anything,anybody is capable of finding outthe same darn things Idid...Something has to touch you.Former Ku Klux Klan Exalted CyclopsWhen the news came over the radiothat Martin Luther King wasassassinated, we had a real party...Since I've changed, I've set down andlistened to tapes of Martin Luther King,and tears come to my eyes'cause I know what he's saying now.Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mr. UniverseIf you have a dream and it becomesa reality, don't stay satisfiedwith it too long. Make up a new dreamand hunt after that oneand turn it intO reality.(Continued inside back cover)_2 ^"CRAMMED WITH ENOUGH FASCINATINGSTORIES TO FILL A DOZEN BOOKS. . .Terkel knows there are 200 million stories worthtelling in this country and he has dug out someof the best."Newsday"SUITABLE FOR A TIME CAPSULE...Terkel truly captures the soul of Americanculture."Houston Chronicle"STUDS TERKEL IS AMERICA'S FOREMOSTORAL HISTORIAN."Chicago Tribune"STIRRINGLY HOPEFUL... OFFERS US ANAPPLE ON EVERY PAGE."The New York Times Book ReviewAMERICANDREAMSLOST AND FOUNDStuds TerkelBALLANTINE BOOKS•NEW YORKSome of the names in this book, including that of EmmaKnight, have been changed.Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following for permission to reprint previously printed material:Cotillion Music, Inc., and Sour Grapes Music: Portion oflyrics from "Paradise" by John Prine. Copyright©1971 byCotillion Music, Inc., and Sour Grapes. All rights reserved.Used by permission.FromCollected Poems,Harper & Row. Copyright 1917, 1945by Edna St. Vincent Millay.Schroeder Music Company (ASCAP): Portion of lyrics from"I Don't Mind Falling": Words and music by Melvina Reynolds. Copyright © 1965 by Schroeder Music Company(ASCAP). Used by permission. All rights reserved.Stormking Music Co., Inc.: Portion of lyrics from "WhichSide Are You On?" by Florence Reese. Copyright©1946 byStormking Music, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.Copyright©1980 by Studs TerkelAll rights reserved under International and Pan-AmericanCopyright Conventions. Published in the United States byBallantine Books, a division of Random House, Inc., NewYork, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House ofCanada, Limited, Toronto, Canada.Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 80-7703ISBN 0-345-29736-9This edition published by arrangement with Pantheon BooksManufactured in the United States of AmericaFirst Ballantine Books Edition: November 1981 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] - zanotowane.pl
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