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A Remarkable Curiosity
Dispatches from a New York City Journalist’s
1873 Railroad Trip across the American West
Amos Jay Cummings
Jerald T. Milanich
U n i v e r s i t y P r e s s o f C o l o r a d o
© 2008 by the University Press of Colorado
Published by the University Press of Colorado
5589 arapahoe avenue, suite 206C
Boulder, Colorado 80303
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Printed in the United states of america
the University Press of Colorado is a proud member of
the association of american University Presses.
the University Press of Colorado is a cooperative publishing enterprise
supported, in part, by adams state College, Colorado state University, fort
lewis College, Mesa state College, Metropolitan state College of denver,
University of Colorado, University of northern Colorado, and Western state
College of Colorado.
the paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of
the american national standard for information sciences—Permanence of
Paper for Printed library Materials. ansi Z39.48-1992
library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data
Cummings, amos J. (amos Jay), 1841–1902.
a remarkable curiosity : dispatches from a new york City journalist’s 1873
railroad trip across the american West / [compiled by] Jerald t. Milanich.
p. cm.
isBn 978-0-87081-926-1 (alk. paper)
1. West (U.s.)—description and travel. 2. frontier and pioneer life—West
(U.s.) 3. West (U.s.)—social life and customs—19th century. 4. natural his-
tory—West (U.s.) 5. West (U.s.)—History—1860–1890. 6. West (U.s.)—Bi-
ography. 7. Journalists—new york (state)—new york—Biography. 8. Cum-
mings, amos J. (amos Jay), 1841–1902—travel—West (U.s.) 9. Cummings,
amos J. (amos Jay), 1841–1902—Correspondence. 10. railroad travel—West
(U.s.)—History—19th century. i. Milanich, Jerald t. ii. title.
f594.C945 2008
design by daniel Pratt
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