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//-->This is a lively and engaging introduction to the con-tentious topic of Nietzsche's political thought for allstudents of philosophy, political theory and the history ofideas. Keith Ansell-Pearson traces the development ofNietzsche's thinking on the fate of modern politics from hisearliest writings, including the little known essayThe GreekState,to the mature writings in which he advocates thearistocratic radicalism of'great politics' in opposition tothe 'petty' politics of European nationalism. All the keyideas in Nietzsche's philosophy are discussed, includingthe will to power, eternal return, and the overman. Theyare examined as part of Nietzsche's wider philosophy, andalso situated in the context of modern political theory. Theopening chapters consider how Nietzsche is to be read anddeal directly with the question of Nietzsche's appro-priation by the Nazis. Nietzsche's major works,The birth oftragedy, Thus spoke ^arathustra,andThe genealogy of moralsare analysed in detail, and their common themes un-ravelled. The book concludes with an assessment ofNietzsche's enduring relevance and of the insights affordedby contemporary liberal and feminist readings of his work.AN INTRODUCTION TO NIETZSCHEAS POLITICAL THINKERAN INTRODUCTION TONIETZSCHE ASPOLITICAL THINKERThe perfect nihilistKEITH ANSELL-PEARSONLecturer in Modern European Philosophy, University of WarwickCAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITY PRESS [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] - zanotowane.pl
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