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    //-->AMAZINGRECIPEMAKEOVERS*But with all the fla-vor!�½ THE FAT, CALORIES,SALT, SUGAROVER 200 RECIPES BYTHE EDITORS OFCOOKING LIGHT.CONTENTSWelcomeSecrets to SuccessKitchen EssentialsChapter 1: Radically Revamped ComfortFoodsChapter 2: Takeout FavoritesChapter 3: Classics TakeoverChapter 4: Less-Loaded Party Starters &MoreChapter 5: Succulent Side DishesChapter 6: Dreamy DessertsNutritional InformationMetric EquivalentsWELCOME!Here at Cooking Light, our goal is to empoweryou to cook and eat healthfully and mindfully. Butwe know that always making the right choice canbe hard. Especially when your favorite recipesmight be categorized as the less-than favorablechoice.What if you didn’t have to give up any of yourfavorite foods? We’ve figured out how to makethe most decadent recipes more healthful, withoutsacrificing flavor, so you can indulge at any time.And we’ve done this in an amazing way!Throughout, you’ll see unlikely ingredients popup that have nutritional benefits. Think groundmushrooms to bulk up a lasagna meat sauce,mashed avocado to replace some of the mayon-naise found in egg salad, or even pureed butternutsquash to make the base of a rich macaroni andcheese sauce. We’ve also come up with some newand radical cooking techniques to boost flavor butlower the fat. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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