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    nd the Dragon stood
    on the shore of the sea..."
    Book of Revelations
    Chapter 13
    heard these cities of magic are just like
    the ones I read in books as a child...
    ...but with a whole lot more fuckin'."
    Alexander Julian
    Personal Diary
    1004 A
    On July 10, 2004, Dr. Rudolph Stapp, before his disappearance, sub-
    mitted his extensive report, "Quantum Vibrational Harmonic constants and
    the inherent flaw in the Grand Unified Theory" to a cadre of the esteemed
    scientific elite at Cambridge. The 300-page paper pieced together unpro-
    ven scientific theorem with unduplicated laboratory experiments from the
    last two hundred years. The closed conference lasted 8 hours. Very little
    information from that lecture has leaked out but several members were
    reportedly shaken and quiet upon leaving. Dr Thomas Kyle, winner of the
    Nobel Prize in Physics in 1991, walked slowly out and promptly walked
    into a post. Another double Nobel winner, whose name was removed from
    the registry by request, left his seat as the Mallinckrodt Professor of Phys-
    ics at Harvard University to join the Catholic Church. The professor ap-
    parently relayed the information in the paper to Cardinal Back is from Li-
    thuania, who then apparently made the professors swear to secrecy to nev-
    er reveal the information to anyone other than the Pope...although this re-
    port was not confirmed and is still only speculatory. Stephen Hawking
    refused to talk to anyone about the lecture upon leaving and denies having
    ever attended Stapp's lecture to this very day.
    Since then, Stapp apparently attempted publication of his work but all
    attempts were blocked and the work discredited. Eventually, after giving
    up trying to find compensation for his work, Dr. Stapp uploaded the paper
    on a personal site. Because Stapp had few living family members, he was
    not reported missing for almost two weeks until he missed his rent on his
    apartment in London. The server closed his personal page and the lecture
    paper continues to float online. To this day, the case on Stapp's disappear-
    ance remains open.
    One of the accounts Stapp references was a cryptic lab summary filed
    by a junior scientist at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in
    Grenoble, France. A routine plasma acceleration experiment created an
    overload, crashing the accelerator and cutting power to the facility for a
    period of 6.5 hours. The junior scientist and two engineers reported that
    the synchrocyclotron and control room continued to function despite no
    power running through the facility. He then reported seeing a small sphere
    of white light rise in the center of the control room. The 30 cm ball floated
    in the air for just under 30 seconds and then promptly winked away. After
    the sphere vanished, the synchrocyclotron and the lights of the control
    room went out, blanketing the three in darkness until power was restored.
    Although no visible evidence was gathered during the incident, an interest-
    ing footnote was with one of the engineers. A week later, the engineer,
    previously treated for colorectal cancer, reported he had been completely
    Despite repeated attempts, the odd results of the incident at the Par-
    ticle Accelerator was never repeated under controlled experiments and
    attempts to recreate the accident have also resulted in failure. A similar
    incident occurred 15 years earlier at the Fermi National Accelerator La-
    boratory in Batavia, Illinois. A standard startup test shutdown instantly
    when a power spike was detected. Despite a totally controlled environ-
    ment, the power surge almost destroyed the computer system at the time.
    When power was cut, the lab equipment reportedly still ran for 4 minutes
    with no apparent outside source. What made this testimony intriguing was
    the report of soft voices "passing through the wall" in a language no one
    could understand. The description offered included the word "soothing."
    When the computers finally shut down 4 minutes later, the sounds sub-
    Stapp confirmed three similar incidents of inferior authenticity in the
    past 20 years. He postulated that the modern view of physics and chemi-
    stry work well "if the universe is totally visible to us"; however, "once you
    prove the invisible exists, a totally rethinking of quantum theory is re-
    quired." Already few modern theories of quantum mechanics only work
    some of the time.
    These light spheres that seemed to generate power were not the only
    subjects of Stapp's lecture. Unfortunately, the paper turned dark when
    Stapp brought up the incident of the sounds of hell. The well-documented
    "sounds of hell" reportedly recorded from a core-sample drilling operation
    in Siberia is an urban legend (that of a drilling operation breaking into hell
    and recording the screams of millions of the damned). It is based on a real
    incident that did occur in 1984. An experimental well in Russia's Kola
    Peninsula penetrated 12 kilometers into the ground, where scientists en-
    countered a rare rock formation. The temperature rose to 180°. It was not
    hot as hell, at least not on a geological scale. Geologists at the scene did
    report hearing sounds of an unwholesome nature. When the bit was re-
    moved, it had been torn to shreds by forces unknown. The shaft collapsed
    and its exact location was lost. A similar event was recorded none only
    than by Jacque Cousteau, who retired soon after hearing noises not unlike
    people screaming from an underwater cave near Antarctica. A third ac-
    count from the Japanese Spring 8 facility recorded horrific voices no hu-
    man could utter during a magnetic field experiment. After the test con-
    cluded, three technicians reported seeing a black sphere drop from a
    Beamline shaft. It bounced towards a technician. Upon touching him, the
    black sphere vaporized the technician and then appeared to roll with "an
    almost intelligent whim" towards another engineer. The sphere dropped
    through the floor and disappeared. The sounds recorded found themselves
    online where it was discredited as being fake. A crude video also leaked
    of the incident but unfortunately, that has been proven fraudulent.
    Stapp, an atheist, refused to subscribe to these incidents as proof of the
    existence of hell or heaven. Stapp said in his report, "By no means do I
    propose the concepts of Hell and Heaven can be proven scientifically.
    Those ideas exist purely as faith. I simply subscribe to a possible reinter-
    pretation of concepts faith is based upon." This began his postulated alte-
    ration to the Grand Unified Theory and the fact that a fifth component to
    the universe existed. Despite that scientists have yet to fully connect weak
    and strong nuclear forces with electromagnetism and gravity, it seemed
    hardly a point of interest to add another, other than the fact it totally
    changed the way scientists approached physics. At the very least, Stapp
    added, the universe may contain an alternate dimension that, like looking
    edge on a two-dimensional construct, is invisible to us unless we alter our
    viewing angle. This "Fifth type" is actually referenced as being a "Third"
    type in the paper in connection to the interchange of matter and energy and
    not the four fundamental interactions of nature. I am not going to share
    those theories here, as this is a fantasy book, not a scientific paper.
    Stapp eventually found the junior scientist from France and an Engi-
    neer from the Fermilab along with one of the survivors from the Spring 8
    incident and subjected them each to a CT scan. He discovered identical
    diffraction wave patterns in their bone structure. Stapp was able to calcu-
    late, using the wave, exactly where these spheres were present in space
    when the individuals encountered them (The Japanese technician later ad-
    mitted himself to an asylum and committed suicide before Stapp's lecture).
    The final jaw dropper occurred when Stapp found only one other report of
    this unique wave pattern...
    ...Those in a cat scan of an unidentified dinosaur fossil found in a cave
    in the Ukraine. The fossil remains the subject of much speculation and
    many scientists simply believe it to be a "lost" species that developed into
    a coincidental shape. The brain size and articulation of claws does beg
    further study. The CAT scan done of the skeleton was conducted by an
    independent study years before the Stapp report and its validity has been
    confirmed. The wave pattern radiated from the impressively large brain
    cavity of the creature. Stapp also made connections with other odd fossils
    found under investigation by crypto zoologists around the world. One
    such fossil found by Australian anthropologist Dr William Lyndal in 2003
    (widely credited as fake as it was discovered in Australia, not Africa where
    the birth of man is assumed to have occurred) shows a humanoid skull 67
    million years old, far beyond the 4.4 million year old Hominid skull found
    in Ethiopia in 1993. The skull looks far closer to modern man than the
    missing link fossils discovered in Africa. These connections will not be
    related here as I limited myself to only one page for this dedication.
    The game of Amethyst that follows is inspired by the Stapp report and
    the conclusions he deduced in its pages. Aspects like "Flux Theory" and
    "Alternate Quantum Vibrational States" as well as the influence of pre-
    vious unrecorded history on future generations through an unmeasured
    "third type" of universal component are directly lifted from Stapp's work.
    In his defense, the word "Magic" is never mentioned in the 300-page pa-
    per. Enjoy the game and the ideas it presents. Try to figure out what is
    real and what is fake. I wish I could take credit for all of it.
    Chris Dias
    Game Designer
    Creator and Lead Writer
    Chris Tavares Dias
    Chris Brown
    Cameron Lauder
    Conan Veitch
    Border Design
    Nick Greenwood
    Special Thanks
    Christopher Bradley
    Stan Chung
    Bob Crook
    David Hoghton-Carter
    Raj Kapila
    Jim Leach
    Dr. Rudolph Stapp
    Desmond Ng
    Adam Johnsen
    Mike Alborn
    Chris Brown
    Schuyler Den Dulk
    Brian Duffels
    Cameron Lauder
    Rene Landry
    Mike McMullen
    Conan Veitch
    Glenn Waughtal
    Katherine Dinger
    Nick Greenwood
    Jaime Jones
    Desmond Ng
    Maura Dias
    Roy Dias
    Daniel Hope
    Raj Kapila
    Vance Murphy
    Franklin E. Ohm
    Elijah Smith
    Cover Illustration
    Jaime Jones
    Dias Ex Machina
    Logo Designs
    Nick Greenwood
    A d20 System Licensed Product.
    The Amethyst RPG is owned by Chris Tavares Dias and Dias Ex Machina.
    (C)Copyright 2008, Dias Ex Machina. All rights reserved. This is authorized for personal use only.
    Certificate of registration pursuant to sections 49 and 53 of the Copyright act, dated February 14, 2008
    'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are used according to the
    terms of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy of this License can be found at www.wizards.com/d20.
    Dias Ex Machina Games
    129 6807 Westgate Ave.
    Prince George, British Columbia,
    V2N 5P8
    History Future of Earth
    ........... 16
    Time of Amethyst ................................ 17
    World of Amethyst.............................. 19
    The Last 1000 Years ............................ 20
    The Bastions ......................................... 21
    The Last 400 Years .............................. 23
    .......................................... 26
    Alignments........................................... 27
    Altered Magic..................................... 27
    Different Races ................................... 27
    Magic vs. Technology ....................... 27
    Religion ................................................ 27
    Story ...................................................... 28
    Class Focus .......................................... 28
    Ability Scores ....................................... 28
    Races in Amethyst
    ............................... 32
    Vital Statistics....................................... 32
    Other Options ..................................... 33
    Fey Descendants................................ 33
    Bubble: The Line of Fey .................... 35
    Chaparrans................................... 35
    Bubble: Relations......................... 37-38
    Damaskans ................................... 38
    Gimfn........................................... 40
    Laudenians ................................... 42
    Narros ............................................ 44
    Tenenbri......................................... 46
    Humans ................................................ 47
    Bubble: Mankind .............................. 48
    Bastion of Origin ........................... 50
    Organization................................. 51
    Mixed Groups ............................... 52
    Cross-Breeds........................................ 52
    Mating ........................................... 52
    Fey Hybrids.................................... 53
    Bubble: Romance ............................ 54
    Half-Fey ......................................... 54
    Spawn .................................................. 56
    Tilen ................................................ 56
    Classes of Echa
    ................................... 62
    Class Focus ................................... 62
    Barbarian ............................................. 63
    Cleric .................................................... 65
    Druid ..................................................... 68
    Fighter .................................................. 72
    Mage.................................................... 74
    Monk..................................................... 76
    Rogue................................................... 79
    Classes of Techa
    ................................ 82
    New Rules ............................................ 83
    Bastions and Tech Levels............ 83
    Defense Bonus ............................. 83
    Class Abilities ................................ 83
    Brute ..................................................... 83
    Faceman ............................................. 84
    Infiltrator ............................................... 86
    Martial Artist......................................... 87
    Mechanic ............................................ 88
    Medic ................................................... 90
    Recon ................................................... 91
    Soldier ................................................... 92
    Skills and Feats
    .................................... 96
    Skills ....................................................... 96
    Cross Culture Skills ........................ 96
    New Feats .......................................... 100
    Prestige Classes
    ................................ 104
    Echan Prestige Classes .................... 104
    Baruch Thuggee ........................ 104
    The Bilateral Integrated
    Gnomish Engineering
    Experteer .............................. 106
    Janoahn Knight .......................... 108
    Limshau Custodian .................... 109
    Nihilimancer ................................ 111
    lin......................................... 113
    Ranger ......................................... 116
    Ragrak, Narros ............................ 118
    Urmage........................................ 119
    Techan Prestige Classes .................. 121
    Angel Sniper................................ 121
    Selkirk Brawler ............................. 122
    Martial Gunslinger ...................... 123
    York Gun Dancer ....................... 125
    Equipment in Amethyst
    ................... 128
    Enchantment Disruption Field......... 129
    Shielding ...................................... 130
    Currency ............................................ 130
    Echan Currency ......................... 130
    Universal Credits ......................... 131
    Random Starting Credits........... 131
    A Compromise in the Setting.......... 132
    Echan Weapons ............................... 132
    Masterwork Weapons ............... 132
    Bastion Exports ............................ 133
    Limshau Weapons...................... 133
    Other Exotics............................... 134
    Techan Weapons ............................. 134
    Battery cells................................. 134
    Tech Levels.................................. 134
    Rarity ............................................ 135
    Superior Class ............................. 135
    Wn le............................ 135
    Weapon Types ........................... 137
    Handguns.................................... 139
    Longarms..................................... 139
    Heavy Weapons ........................ 140
    Techan Melee Weapons .......... 141
    Super Heavy Mounted
    Weapons .............................. 141
    Ammunition ................................ 142
    Explosives & Splash
    Weapons .............................. 142
    Armor .................................................. 144
    Light Armor.................................. 144
    Medium Armor ........................... 144
    Heavy Armor............................... 144
    Shields .......................................... 145
    Advanced Armor ....................... 146
    Goods & Services ............................. 147
    Clothing .......................................147
    Electronics ...................................149
    Professional Equipment ............. 149
    Medical Equipment ................... 150
    Medical Boosters ........................ 151
    Survival Gear ............................... 153
    Weapon Accessories ................. 154
    Unique Items ...............................155
    Spellcasting and Services................156
    Special Materials...............................157
    Techan Vehicles................................158
    City Vehicles ...............................159
    Echan Terrain Vehicles ..............162
    Aircraft .........................................164
    Thermal Airships .......................... 165
    Using Techa .......................................167
    Autofire ........................................167
    Grenades and Explosives .........167
    Planted Explosives ............... 167
    Splash Weapons .................. 167
    Vehicles Rules .............................168
    Divinity the Arcane
    The Source of Magic ........................ 172
    Holy Spells / Attricana ...............173
    Necromancy / Ixindar ............... 173
    Polarity Change .........................173
    Bubble: Rules of Magic ...................174
    Polarity and Disruption ..............174
    Arcane Spells.....................................175
    Arcane Magical Writings ..........175
    Foundation Spells .............................. 175
    Cleric Spells........................................176
    Cleric Domains ..................................178
    Druid Spells .........................................179
    Bubble: Etherealness .......................180
    Elemental Druid Domains ................ 181
    Mage Spells .......................................182
    Spells ...................................................185
    Life in Amethyst
    Attricana .....................................196
    Earth ............................................. 197
    Religion ...............................................198
    Echan Faiths................................198
    Human Faiths ..............................200
    Bubble: Gods Hammers ..................203
    Draconic ............................................203
    Look of the World..............................204
    Common Setting Knowledge ......... 204
    Arkonnia ......................................204
    Bubble: Echalogical Influence .......205
    Euras ............................................. 205
    Indoaus ........................................205
    Bubble: The Meal ............................206
    Slav ............................................... 206
    Southam ......................................206
    Relations .............................................206
    Measurement .............................206
    ................................................... 4
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