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    An Ellora’s Cave publication written by
    MS Reader (LIT) ISBN # 1-84360-651-8
    Other available formats (no ISBNsare assigned ):
    Adobe (PDF), Rocketbook (RB), Mobipocket (PRC) & HTML
    © Copyright Bella Andre, 2003.
    All Rights Reserved, Ellora's Cave.
    Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc.USA
    Ellora's Cave Ltd,UK
    This e-book may not be reproduced in whole or in part by email forwarding, copying,
    fax, or any other mode of communication without author/publisher permission.
    Edited by
    Raelene Gorlinsky
    Cover Art by
    Scott Carpenter
    Certain images contained within this e-book have been digitally marked by Digimarc
    Corp. If you purchased this e-book from a source other than Ellora's Cave or one of its
    known affiliates, contact legal@ellorascave.com immediately. Please note that reading
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    heavy fines. As always, our authors thank-you for your support and patronage.
    The following material contains strong sexual content meant for mature readers.
    AUTHORS IN ECSTASY has been rated NC17, erotic, by three individual reviewers.
    We strongly suggest storing this electronic file in a place where young readers not meant
    to view this ebook are unlikely to happen upon it. That said, enjoy…
    Chapter One
    Luke gave Claire one of his trademark smoldering glances, the kind that kept her and
    her vibrator company when she was alone in bed at night, dreaming of him. After ten
    years of platonic friendship, after a painful decade of hearing about every woman who
    had passed in and out of Luke’s bed, Claire knew it was time for things to change.
    Maybe her new confidence came from the three Manhattans she’d already gulped down.
    Maybe it was because they were celebrating her promotion to Senior Vice President of
    SF BankCorp, and she was giddy with her newfound power. Whatever the reason, Claire
    simply didn’t care about anything else tonight, outside of the promise she read in Luke’s
    Uncrossing her long, supple legs, and then re-crossing them slowly for impact, she
    scooted to the edge of her barstool and leaned in close to Luke in the steamy bar.
    Keeping her eyes trained on his mouth, she found the courage hiding deep within herself
    and said, “If I have to look at your succulent lips for one more second without tasting
    them, I think I’m going to go crazy.”
    Luke’s eyes didn’t widen in surprise. And he didn’t make things any easier for her by
    leaning in to kiss her. Instead he raised an eyebrow, puckered his delicious lips slightly
    in a half-smile, and said, “Prove it.”
    The heat between Claire’s legs increased several degrees and her nipples grew hard
    beneath her sexy silk top. For once in her life it was time to feel, not think. Leaning
    forward until she was so close she could feel his breath on her lips, she reached up with
    her thumb and gently stroked Luke’s bottom lip. A shiver ran through her, and she felt as
    if her nipples were going to break through the fine silk of her top. She wondered if
    anyone else in the bar had noticed how incredibly turned on she was, but she forced the
    thought aside. She wasn’t going to ruin her one chance at seducing the only man she’d
    ever loved because of what some strangers thought.
    She had imagined feeling his lips on her breasts so many times, just touching them with
    her fingers was almost enough to make her spontaneously come in her seat. His lips were
    almost rough to the touch, and she wanted to explore every square millimeter of skin,
    from the corner where his upper and lower lips met so exquisitely, to the incredibly sexy,
    yet masculine bow in the middle of his upper lip.
    Part of her wanted to go as slow as possible, to savor the sensations already washing
    through her in waves. But the other part of her, the part that made her pussy lips
    drenched and hot, wanted nothing more than to straddle Luke, right then and there at the
    bar, to sink down on his cock one inch at a time until she was on the edge of the best
    orgasm of her life.
    Lighter than a feather, Luke darted his tongue against her thumb. Claire groaned,
    practically in pain, her need for him was so great. Grasping her wrist with his strong,
    warm hands, he held the fleshy part of her palm up to his mouth and nipped at her
    sensitive skin. Claire was shaking now and hornier than she’d ever been. Her pussy was
    soaked, all without one single kiss. But then again, just thinking of Luke had always been
    enough to bring her right to the brink.
    She was so caught up in her need, she barely heard Luke whisper, “Taste me.” Trying to
    break out of her fog, she moved to obey his command as quickly as she could. Closing the
    distance between them, taking his breath as her own, she licked at the middle of his lower
    lip with the tip of her tongue, the same place she had already memorized with her thumb.
    “What flavor am I?” Luke asked her, again so softly she could barely make out his
    Her head was spinning and she could hardly speak. “I need another sample,” she said,
    and captured his incredible mouth in hers, tasting every inch of him, relishing in the feel
    of his tongue against hers. In her wildest dreams, she never knew a kiss could be so hot.
    She’d give up her vibrator forever for a lifetime supply of his kisses. Lord knew, if he kept
    it up, she was going to be moaning so loud everyone in the bar would be forced to stop
    their conversations to watch the live sex show happening right in front of them.
    Luke pulled away from her and threw a $20 bill on the bar. Grabbing her hand, he
    pulled her off the seat and dragged her through the teeming crowd. Her skin was so
    inflamed, every time her nipples rubbed up against some stranger she had to bite her lip
    to keep from crying out. In the back of her mind, she wondered if she should be
    embarrassed that she was feeling so incredibly sexual.
    No, she told herself. I’m going to take tonight as far as it can go. Tomorrow I’ll go back
    to being the straight-laced banker the world thinks I am. Tonight, I’m a sex goddess!
    Luke got them out the front door in record time and into the balmy summer night. Within
    seconds damp air made Clare’s silk top cling to her like second skin. Luke promptly
    directed them down the nearest alley, nearly running in his haste.
    Claire was breathing hard, but not from their quick pace. She knew what was about to
    happen, and on the verge of every single one of her dreams coming true, she was working
    hard not to hyperventilate in fervent expectation. Turning down another alley, this one
    even darker and narrower than the first, Luke stopped abruptly and pushed her against
    the cool brick wall. Reaching his hands under her shirt, he cupped her full, high breasts
    and squeezed her nipples while he leaned his head down to devour the pulse of her neck
    with his mouth and teeth.
    “Luke,” she moaned, wrapping one of her long legs around him, trying to pull him in
    closer to her. She pleaded, “Fuck me now, I can’t wait another second.”
    He reached down to her short skirt and pulled the hem up to her hips. His hands
    searched for her panties to take them off, but all he found were moist, pink lips, readier
    for him than they had ever been.
    “You’re not wearing any panties,” he growled into her mouth, consuming her lips once
    again as he slid two fingers into her pussy. “You’re so wet,” he said reverently against
    her lips, the bulge in his pants growing even more huge against her thigh.
    Claire ground her hips into his hand, on the verge of exploding, and began to scream as
    an orgasm ripped through her. Luke covered her mouth with his, taking in her scream,
    muting it with his tongue.
    As wave after wave coursed through her, Luke unzipped his pants and pulled out his
    cock. Wrapping her hand around it, he said, “I want you to guide me into you. Every
    single inch.”
    Claire’s eyes widened. She always suspected he was big, but even in her wildest
    imaginings she couldn’t have come up with this. His cock had to be at least ten inches
    long and two inches in diameter. Her dildo wasn’t even this big and for a brief second
    she worried that she wouldn’t be able to take all of him.
    Luke must have sensed her reluctance, because he said, “Don’t worry, baby. You’re so
    wet I’m going to slide right in.”
    Grabbing her ass with his hands, he added, “Wrap your legs around me.” Doing just
    that, suspended in mid-air, she positioned the tip of his cock at the entrance to her lips.
    Waiting for barely a second, wanting to remember the sensation of his cock entering her
    for the first time, she slid his head around on her lips, on her clit, until he was drenched
    with her juices. She could tell he wanted to plunge himself into her as hard and fast as he
    could, and she admired his restraint and the way he let her pace their lovemaking.
    Slowly, painstakingly, Claire slid the first inch of him into her, and as the walls of her
    vagina stretched to accommodate his cock, she felt herself on the verge of another
    orgasm. Trying to contain her need, she slid in another inch and felt herself slipping and
    sliding along Luke’s skin. Drenched in sweat, Luke managed to keep his hold on her,
    holding her up against the wall, poised on his cock as if she weighed no more than a fly.
    Unable to wait another second, she let gravity pull her down and she fed the last eight
    inches of his cock into her pussy. Nothing had ever felt so good to her in her whole life
    and she fell into the second biggest orgasm she’d ever had as Luke squeezed her ass
    cheeks while lifting her up and down, sliding his cock in and out of her.
    Pulling his head back to look deep into her eyes, he said, “I’ve always loved you,” and
    then pumped into her, all the way to the hilt, rocking back and forth rapidly as he shot his
    seed deep within her. Claire went straight from two orgasms into three, even as her heart
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