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Romans in the Age
of Augustus
The Peoples of Europe
General Editors
: James Campbell and Barry Cunliffe
This series is about the European tribes and peoples from their origins in prehistory
to the present day. Drawing upon a wide range of archeological and historical evi-
dence, each volume presents a fresh and absorbing account of a group’s culture,
society, and usually turbulent history.
Already published
The Etruscans
Graeme Barker and Thomas Rasmussen
The Byzantines
Averil Cameron
The Normans
Marjorie Chibnall
The Norsemen in the Viking Age
Eric Christiansen
The Lombards
Neil Christie
The Serbs
Sima Ćirković
The Basques*
Roger Collins
The English
Geoffrey Elton
The Gypsies
Second edition
Angus Fraser
The Bretons
Patrick Galliou and Michael Jones
The Goths
Peter Heather
The Franks*
Edward James
The Romans in the Age of
Andrew Lintott
The Vandals
Andy Merrills and Richard Miles
The Russians
Robin Milner-Gulland
The Mongols
Second edition
David Morgan
The Armenians
A. E. Redgate
The Britons
Christopher A. Snyder
The Huns
E. A. Thompson
The Early Germans
Second edition
Malcolm Todd
The Illyrians
John Wilkes
In preparation
The Irish
Michael Herity
The Spanish
Roger Collins
The Picts
Benjamin Hudson
The Angles and Saxons
Helena Hamerow
The Celts
John Koch
*Denotes title now out of print
Romans in
Andrew Lintott
A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication
the Age of
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