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By Angela KnightCopyright 2001Her skin seemed to burn, too tight, too hot, her nipples fiercelyerect on the full globes her breasts had become. The ache between herthighs was so maddening she could only twist helplessly on themedical bunk's sheets. She craved Eric Gray's big, hard body like adrug. To hell with his rank and hers, too hell with his vampirism, tohell with everything but need. She imagined how he'd look, how he'dfeel as he drove his cock into her creaming sex, all that feral malestrength and ruthless hunger finally turned her way. Just as she'dalways dreamed.Unable to resist the clawing demands of her changed body, JaylaCarstairs buried two fingers into her pussy with a strangled yowl.The slick, luscious sensation drove her to stroke deeper, faster. Asshe pumped her hand, a faint whimper escaped her lips. It soundedmore like shame than pleasure. She ignored it, too focused on theincredible feelings that were so much more intense than anythingshe'd ever felt before.But deep in her mind, a small voice wailed, What have I done tomyself? Why the hell did I listen to that bitch bloodslave? Thethought was quickly drowned in a hot wave of sexual hunger as herstroking fingers shot her toward the climax her body demanded. Thecool intellectualism she'd always prided herself on didn't stand achance against the overwhelming lust raking her mind.As she collapsed panting in the aftermath, images flashed through herbrain: Captain Eric Gray, ironwood blade in one hand as he fought thepirates who had tried to board the Starclipper last week, his strongbody big and hard and tempting....One week earlierAs the wave of pirates poured into the docking bay from their ownvessel, every man, woman and alien on the Clipper grabbed the nearestweapon and ran to drive them back. The entire deck became a roaringmass of shoving, straining bodies. Gray was in the lead, plowing intothe invaders with blinding speed and vampire strength. His eyesglowed with a burning, black rage that anyone would dare try to seizehis precious startrader.Tanaka Jones was right behind him. Showing his fangs in a snarl, theexecutive officer drove a punch into the nearest pirate's skull,killing the man instantly. Kerre Farr fought at his side, her exoticmocha skin gleaming with sweat, gold eyes blazing like a berserker'sas she punched and kicked any enemy that came into her path.Jayla herself was a science officer, not a fighter, but she'd pickedup a stun stick like everybody else and pitched in to help repel thepirates. Instinct kept her at Gray's heels. Not only was it thesafest place to be, but she felt a gnawing need to see that he wassafe.Jabbing at a pirate with the slick gray rod, she listened to thehowls as it jangled her victims' nervous systems. He swung at her,desperately trying to stop the pain, but she ducked his wild attackand kept the stick planted in his ribs. Finally the man's body couldtake no more, and he collapsed on the deck.Jayla looked up from him just in time to see a strange vampire, anironwood knife in his hand, closing in on her captain's broad,unprotected back. Gray had his hands full with a pair of aliens, anddidn't see his new attacker. Yelling a warning, she threw herself atthe pirate, driving the stun stick at his face.He whipped around, his big fist arching toward her head. There was notime to duck. Her last thought before the lights went out was, Damn,the captain's going to be pissed...Jayla regained consciousness an hour later in the Starclipper'ssickbay. The ship's med tech cheerfully informed her the pirates hadbeen routed. Half of them had fled back to their ship, while the restwere locked up in the brig. The captain had killed the vampire who'dknocked her out, and the comp techies were working to plug the holein the computer systems that had allowed the pirates to disable theClipper's defenses and board in the first place.The captain came by soon afterward with Farr, who needed to have awound in her thigh sealed. As the med tech worked over the securityofficer, Gray gave Jayla a royal chewing out, his black eyes hot andsnapping in his handsome, angular face."Whatever happened to yelling, 'Look out!'" he demanded, while shetried not to stare helplessly at his sensual mouth. "You're a tech,Carstairs. You're not equipped to go one-on-one with a vampire."A tiny, impish voice in her mind whispered, Maybe, but I'd love totry."If any vamps need killing, I'll take care of it," the captaincontinued, rocking back on his heels as he glared at her. "But I'dbetter never catch you doing anything that damn stupid again."She listened to him growl for several minutes more, thinking drylythat there must be something seriously warped about her to findanything sexy about a man who was telling her off so vehemently.Pitiful, Carstairs. Her infatuation with Gray was really getting outof hand.At last he whirled and stalked out, gesturing at Farr, who trailed inhis wake with one last long, cryptic look at Jayla.That night, after the med tech finally released her, Jayla returnedto her quarters to find Farr standing in the hall beside the door.That cryptic expression was back on the bloodslave's golden face, acurl of secret amusement in the set of her wide mouth as she steppedto meet Jayla. "May I have a word?"Astonished but working to hide it, Jayla summoned her manners andinvited her visitor inside. Something about Farr's lush, overwhelmingpresence made her quarters feel even more cramped than usual. Quicklyscooping a stray uniform tunic off her desk chair, she gestured forthe bloodslave to have a seat. "What can I do for you?" She wonderedif her curiosity showed. She'd served on the Clipper for two yearsnow, and Farr had never paid a visit. In fact, as far as Jayla knew,the security chief didn't socialize with anyone but the captain andJones. And she maintained a professional distance even with them, atleast in public.What she did with her two vampire masters in private was somethingJayla tried very hard not to think about."The captain has granted us all a month's leave," Farr said, sittingback to cross her endless legs the black skinsuit that slicked overevery curve. "He's decided the Clipper's computer system needs acomplete overhaul, and that's going to take time. We'll be docking atLangella in two days.""I'm sure the leave will be welcome," Jayla said politely, instantlyresolving to spend the time exploring the planet's large and thrivingvampire community. There weren't many worlds where so many blood-drinkers would be welcome, but Langella had been founded as a vampcolony to begin with. "But I'm a little curious as to why you felt itnecessary to drop by and tell me personally."Farr shrugged her elegantly muscled shoulders. "I wanted to let youknow I'll be leaving the ship at Langella. My contract's up, and Iplan to find another ... employer."Jayla blinked, two thoughts flashing through her head simultaneously:Again, why tell me? and What will the captain do?"Captain Gray, will, of course, begin looking for anotherbloodslave." Farr studied her with calculation, tilting her lovelyhead to one side. "I thought you might want to do something aboutthat."Jayla's brows shot up. The term "bloodslave" was a misnomer, ofcourse; they weren't true slaves. Paid submissives, they served agiven vampire under a standard two-year contract, providing him withthe sex and blood he needed to survive. With a metabolism thatmirrored that of the vampires they served, bloodslaves couldwithstand repeated feedings that would have killed a human. And theirhyper-intense sensuality made the feeding more satisfying to theirvamp dominants. And, no doubt, to themselves.Jayla couldn't imagine what she could offer Gray that could competewith that. "Me? Why?"Farr laughed shortly. "Please. Don't insult my intelligence. I may behuman on paper, but my senses are vampire. Whenever you're in thesame room with Gray, the scent of desire rolls off you in waves."Jayla knew she must be turning bright red. "I..." Realizing she wasabout to stammer, she gathered her self-control and lifted herchin. "I doubt I'm the only one."This time the laugh was genuine. "No, you're not. You are, on theother hand, the only one whose lust is returned."Jayla blinked. "What?""He wants you," Farr said bluntly. "He's wanted you for months. Butyou're human, and he's funny about humans, so he's kept his distance.Too, you're crew, and his sense of honor won't let him poach on hisown people. But he wants you anyway.""You're out of your orbit." Rising restlessly to her feet, she pacedaway from the bloodslave, trying to ignore the crazy bloom of hopethat Farr was right."I know after he chewed your little ass out this afternoon, he fuckedmine hard and deep," the security chief said crudely. "And I can tellyou, he wasn't thinking about me while he did it. It wasn't the firsttime, either.""Yeah, well, he's never given me the slightest indication that he'sinterested." Jayla stiffened, her eyes narrowing as a dark suspicionoccurred to her. She turned to stare at her visitor. "This is somekind of nasty little joke, isn't it?"Farr gave her an offended glare. "I don't play those kinds of games.""So why tell me? If you're leaving because you're insulted by hisinterest in me, why the hell would you do anything to help us gettogether?"The bloodslave sighed and leaned back in her chair. "Look, I don'treally hold you responsible for the way things shook out. Thechemistry was never that good between us to begin with. I shouldn'teven have taken the job; I knew going in that I'm ... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] - zanotowane.pl
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