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Dragonmen: Mate Dance
Amber Kell
Literary Road Press
1333 W. Campbell Rd. #195
Richardson, TX 75080
Copyright © 2010 Amber Kell
Cover design by RDF
Photos provided by Istockphoto.com
ISBN: 978-1-934037-73-7
This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part by email forwarding, copying, fax, or
any other mode of communication without author or publisher permission.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of
the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living
or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental. As this book contains erotic scenes please
save this file in a safe location and out of the hands of minors.
Chapter One
Raven’s muscles ached, but it was a good ache. As he stood beneath the stage lights, sweat
pouring down his lean, muscular torso, Raven gasped for breath, desperately trying to refill
lungs emptied by his exertion. Still panting, he gave a low bow to the screaming audience
and flinched as a rose smacked him in the face.
Fucking thorns.
Despite his stinging flesh, he flashed the crowd his megawatt stage smile. The one he’d
perfected as a four‐year‐old dancing sensation.
Raven waved a hand, indicating the other dancers, and as the audience continued
clapping, he made a discreet exit off the stage.
“You were amazing.” A starry eyed ingénue said to him as he passed, batting her long
eyelashes at him. Why she bothered he didn’t know. It was a universally known fact that he
liked men. Unless she was one of those women who thought they could be the one to
convert him to the other side?
“Want to go out for a bite to eat?” She asked, confident now that she’d caught his
Yep, she was one of those.
“Sorry, my sweet, I’m exhausted. I’m going to change and get to bed.”
“Sure.” Her face was crestfallen and Raven reined in his nurturing instinct to try and
make her feel better. Experience proved that encouraging relationships with women now
led to awkward situations later.
There was still a restraining order out on that last one.
He patted the girl on her back and all but ran to his dressing room. Once safe behind a
locked door, he threw himself down on the couch.
“I need a vacation.” Raven said, staring at the ceiling. For twenty years Raven had
danced. First as a prodigy fighting to get noticed, then as a young star struggling to get the
best roles, and now at the age of twenty‐four he was the most sought after dancer in the
galaxy. He could write his own price for any show he wanted, but right now he was just
Bone tired.
Although this last production had been technically and physically challenging, Raven
knew he’d lost some of his fire. The critics and the audience never noticed, but Raven felt
something lacking on the inside. Maybe he was losing his passion for dance? Maybe he was
sucked dry.
Raven tried to envision a life without dancing but drew a blank.
What would he do if he didn’t dance? Choreograph? Direct? Raven didn’t know what
he’d do, but he did know that he needed a vacation from both the dancing, and the
reporters that followed him from planet to planet hoping to catch a picture of him. It didn’t
help that he was voted the most beautiful bachelor in the galaxy by the top three
galacticnet agencies every year since puberty. Even after all this time Raven was still
shocked by the amount of fuss made over his appearance. There was too much glorification
over his genetic makeup when dancing was his true talent.
A quick shower and a fresh set of clothes, with the addition of a concealing cap and dark
shades, transformed Raven from a shining star to the average man on the street. Checking
to see that the path was clear, he made his way through the side gate and, with a lighter
heart, walked away from the theatre and down the deserted sidewalk. Raven could feel
some of the stress from the evening slough off his body the further he got from the theatre.
The dance show had ended late in the evening so there were few stragglers around.
Earlier shows always had some groupies at the doors but this one was late enough that
everyone already went home.
Humming a tune from the show, Raven headed down the sidewalk towards the bright
Maybe he could get a drink and find some company for the evening. Although his body
was tired, he was too hyped up from dancing the last show of the season to settle down for
the night. Hopefully, he could find some discreet friendly company to help him wind down.
Once his body was relaxed maybe his mind would stop spinning about his future.
He was within view of some promising bar signs when the sound of someone sobbing
grabbed his attention. Curious, Raven followed the noise.
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