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    //-->“JUSTICE,JUSTICE”THE JULY 2009 PROTESTSIN XINJIANG, CHINAAmnesty International PublicationsFirst published in 2010 byAmnesty International PublicationsInternational SecretariatPeter Benenson House1 Easton StreetLondon WC1X 0DWUnited Kingdomwww.amnesty.org©Copyright Amnesty International Publications 2010Index: ASA 17/027/2010Original Language: EnglishPrinted by Amnesty International, International Secretariat, United KingdomAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any formor by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of thepublishers.Cover photo: A Uighur woman in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, northwest China, July 2009. Police crackeddown on initially peaceful Uighur protesters, triggering violent riots and heightened ethnic tension between Uighurs andHan. © AP/PA Photo/Ng Han GuanAmnesty International is a global movement of 2.2 millionpeople in more than 150 countries and territories, whocampaign on human rights. Our vision is for every person toenjoy all the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights and other international human rightsinstruments. We research, campaign, advocate and mobilizeto end abuses of human rights. Amnesty International isindependent of any government, political ideology, economicinterest or religion. Our work is largely financed bycontributions from our membership and donationsCONTENTSMap of Urumqi .............................................................................................................4Introduction and summary .............................................................................................5Methodology .............................................................................................................7Background on uighurs...............................................................................................8Discrimination against Uighurs....................................................................................8The July 2009 protests – from peaceful demonstration to violent riots..............................11The trigger: the Shaoguan incident ............................................................................11At the People’s Square: “Equal rights for all” .............................................................12At the road-block: Uighurs call for “Justice, justice” ...................................................13Violence breaks out..................................................................................................14Attacks against Han Chinese.....................................................................................15Restrictions on information .......................................................................................16Attacks against Uighurs............................................................................................17The aftermath of the July 2009 protests........................................................................20Casualties ...............................................................................................................20Arrests and enforced disappearances .........................................................................21Allegations of torture and other ill-treatment...............................................................22Trials......................................................................................................................22Further restrictions on freedoms and rights.................................................................25Conclusion .................................................................................................................27Recommendations to Chinese authorities ...................................................................28MAP OF URUMQI“JUSTICE, JUSTICE”The July 2009 protests in Xinjiang, China5INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY“It was going to be a peaceful demonstration to demand thatthe government act [on the Shaoguan incident] and forequality and for the Uighurs to enjoy the same rights [as othersin China].”N, a 20-year-old university student from Urumqi1“[The police] beat people around the knees. They surroundedpeople, beat them with rubber batons until they fell over, thendragged them into a police car. I saw more arrests than Icould count.”G, a 26-year-old man visiting Urumqi from another city in the XUAR2One year ago in the afternoon of 5 July 2009 hundreds of Chinese of Uighur ethnicity3gathered to demonstrate at the People’s Square in Urumqi (in Chinese: Wulumuqi), theregional capital of the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR) in northwest China. Thedemonstrators were protesting the authorities’ perceived inaction following the death of atleast two Uighur workers after a factory brawl in Shaoguan, in China’s southern province ofGuangdong, on 26 June.During the afternoon, the protesters swelled to thousands. Violent rioting erupted later in theevening, particularly in the southern parts of the city, in what appears to have been largelyUighur attacks against Chinese of Han ancestry (Han Chinese).According to official figures, 197 people died in the course of the violence on 5 July, the vastmajority of them (156) Han Chinese, 10 Uighurs, and 11 Huis, (a disproportionately highnumber given the relatively small Hui population in the XUAR).4Unofficial sources, and inparticular Uighur groups, claim many more Uighurs were killed on 5 July and in the followingdays.In the morning of 6 July, the regional authorities announced that the situation in Urumqi was“basically under control”;5however, the protests spread to other cities in the XUAR.6Even inUrumqi, violent attacks were reported throughout the week, most notably on 6-7 July whenHan Chinese carried out retaliatory attacks on Uighurs and on 13 July when the police shottwo Uighurs.7Eyewitness testimonies obtained by Amnesty International suggest that the police andsecurity forces committed human rights violations during and in the aftermath of the July2009 protests. These include beatings, arbitrary arrests and shootings to disperse peacefulprotesters and the unnecessary or excessive use of force, including lethal force, in theprocess of restoring order.Index: ASA 17/027/2010Amnesty International July 2010 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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