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Juggle all the women
you want, without
getting into some
Melrose Place drama
Anthony Berger
Advanced Learning Systems Inc.
Cover, Illustrations, Layout and design: Cristiano Nogueira
Edited by Ron Jule
Disclaimer: This book is for entertainment purposes only. The author, publisher or anyone involved in
writting, publishing or promoting it does not assume any responsibility for reader’s actions.
Chick Management MBA
Copyright @1999-2001 by Anthony Berger, Ron Jule, David Silberstein and Cristiano Nogueira.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without writ-
ten permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For
more information contact Anthony Berger at anthony@advancedmacking.com
Chick Managament MBA
How to keep a
Never sweat a hoe
This is the number one rule of dealing with women.
Never sweat a hoe.
Let’s repeat it: Never sweat a hoe. Repeat it till it’s em-
bedded. Never sweat a hoe.
Lets get subliminal: Eoh a taews reven. That’s it back-
What the hell does this mean?
Despite the depiction of women as hoes, the inventor of
this phrase, Mfon “Fu-Manchu” Jones used that expres-
sion because it is short and gimmicky. “Never sweat a
lady” is what he meant, but it doesn’t sound right. Never
sweat a ho, on the other hand…
In simple terms, it means: Don’t over care for any
Don’t over do anything emotional. Don’t tell them you
love them every hour, don’t call them three times a day.
Don’t treat them nice the whole goddamn time.
Chick Managament MBA
Why? Because if you over respect and praise them, they
will disrespect and under value you and your relationship
to them.
Just like most people, women like challenges. If you
show no sign of a challenge, if you do everything they
ask you to, if you try to be this super duper guy who is
always there for her, never disappoints her, never pisser
her off, never blows her off, who is always ready to jump
at every command, she will have no respect for you.
Love and relationships are a game. Games suck. Luck-
ily, here is the only rule you’ll need to win this game:
Never sweat a hoe.
Don’t give them 100% respect. Don’t get emotionally at-
tached to them. If you do, they can easily hurt you and
win the game.
Women, secretly, like guys who drive them nuts. He be-
comes the guy who she can spend hours talking about
with her friends. This guy is a source of conversation for
her. If her guy is A-OK, Mr. Perfect, then what is she go-
ing to bitch about? But if he frustrates her… she’ll have
plenty to tell her friends.
Once she tells all her friends about you, it gets estab-
Chick Managament MBA
lished that she is dating you. Once that happens, she
won’t want to lose you. Her reputation depends on you
staying with her. She will then be addicted to you, which
is much better than the opposite.
So how do I apply this rule in real life?
Don’t tell her you love her too soon. Not for the first few
months of seeing her. Keep it to yourself. Tell her you
like her. You can even call her “my love” sparingly.
Keep her under-informed. Don’t call her everyday. Blow
her off and forget to call her occasionally. Don’t show
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