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    Tony Blair has dominated British political life for more than a decade.
    Like Margaret Thatcher before him, he has changed the terms of political
    debate and provoked as much condemnation as admiration. At the end
    of his era in power, this book presents a wide-ranging overview of the
    achievements and failures of the Blair governments. Bringing together
    Britain’s most eminent academics and commentators on British politics
    and society, it examines the e

    is Master of Wellington College and the co-founder of
    the Institute of Contemporary British History. He is a prominent com-
    mentator on British political leadership and the leading author on Tony
    Blair, having written or edited five books on him including
    The Blair
    ect 2001–5
    (with Dennis Kavanagh, Cambridge, 2005).
    ect of the Prime Minister and his admin-
    istration on the machinery of government, economic and social policy
    and foreign relations. Combining serious scholarship with clarity and
    accessibility, this book represents the authoritative verdict on the impact
    of the Blair years on British politics and society.

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