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    Amazing Secrets
    Psychic Healing
    Benjamin O. Bibb, DD.
    Joseph J. Weed
    How this book will help you to radiant health
    Are you completely healthy? Always? If not, you should be. Are any of your family, friends
    or acquaintances suffering from poor health, injuries or even long-standing afflictions? They
    need not, if you decide you want to help them, for help them you can, and yourself as well.
    How? you ask. This book will tell you how, for you do have the ability to heal. Right now
    you may not be aware that you have it, but you do. This gift of God is part of the birthright of
    every man and woman; it lies dormant in you waiting to be awakened. Only a small effort on
    your part is required to stimulate it to powerful and effective action, so just read on and
    discover for yourself
    o Relieve pain in a matter of minutes (see Chapter 2)
    o Heal wounds, cuts and abrasions the day they are suffered (see Chapter 2)
    o Repair bone fractures quickly (see Chapter 2)
    o End the pain of arthritis by eliminating its cause (Chapter 3)
    o Dramatically change and improve the appearance of blemish-ridden skin (Chapter 5)
    o Correct ailments of the ears, nose and throat (Chapter 6)
    o Treat failing eyes and bring them back to normal sight (Chapter 7)
    o Strengthen the heart and repair any malfunctions that may hamper its action (Chapter
    o Wash out infections from the intestines and bowels and re-establish their normal
    functioning (Chapter 13)
    o Search out and correct liver and gall bladder problems (Chapter 11)
    o Relieve prostate pain and restore normal action (Chapter 12)
    o Clear impurities from the blood, a very important treatment everyone can employ
    with profit (Chapter 15)
    o Balance glandular functions and thus heal diabetes (Chapter 16)
    o Relieve toothache and clear out tooth infection (Chapter 14)
    o Instruct your inner mind to automatically correct any malfunction that may develop
    (Chapter 18)
    o Effect many other surprising and marvelous healings (Chapter 17)
    Right here in print for the first time you will find the step-by-step procedures whereby
    hundreds of people with no previous medical knowledge of any kind have been taught to
    become successful healers. These are men and women from all walks of life, most of them no
    different from you. Some are secretaries, salespeople, bookkeepers, mechanics, teachers and
    students, and some are professional people such as lawyers, ministers and doctors-yes, doctors.
    Read on and let them tell you in their own words what they have learned and how this
    knowledge has served them, enabling them to accomplish seeming miracles of healing. Along
    with their reports are explained the exact techniques taught them in the classes of one of the
    world's greatest healers, Benjamin 0.Bibb, D.D. This man is outstanding not only for the great
    number of remarkable cures he has effected, but chiefly because he is able to describe in detail
    just what he does and to teach others how to do it. This book is based upon his class teachings
    and supported by the case histories of a vast number of confirmed healings. By following the
    instructions given herein, you too can become a successful healer.
    Ben Bibb's methods are simple and easy to understand. Most of his pupils learn them in two
    to three weeks and some even more quickly. Once a student has the amazing secret technique
    explained and understands it, the development of skill is then only a question of practice. If you
    would know what this secret is, just read on. You will find in the chapters to follow not only a
    complete description of the method employed so successfully by Benjamin O. Bibb, D.D. but
    also his personal instructions in how to use it to heal psychically or mentally, for this book
    describes the complete course taught by Ben Bibb in his classes. The step-by-step instructions
    make it seem easy, as you will soon discover. First, however, you should know and appreciate
    to some extent the scope of this ability of yours once it is unfolded. For this reason there is
    explained herein what can be done, what is possible for you to do and what has been done by
    the graduates of Ben Bibb's classes. These students are no more gifted than you are; anything
    they can do, you also can do.
    For example, here is a case of instantaneous self-healing. One student of Bibb's was
    attempting to repair a stall shower that didn't work. Endeavoring to get at the valves, he
    discovered that someone had cemented them over. Annoyed at the stupidity of this, he started
    to chip away at the cement with a hammer and cold chisel. Due partly to the cramped quarters
    in the small shower stall and partly to his irritation, the hammer slipped on the head of the
    chisel and struck him on the wrist. Ignoring the pain, he continued, but he struck his wrist
    again, and then again. The fourth blow was so severe he thought he might have damaged the
    bone. Coming out of the shower stall into the light he saw a purple welt about four inches long
    swelling up along his left wrist and forearm. The pain was intense, so he ceased work and
    started a healing treatment as instructed in the Ben Bibb class. Almost immediately the pain
    began to subside. In a few moments the throbbing ceased, the swelling diminished and the
    discoloration started to fade. Within ten minutes all pain was gone, the welt had disappeared
    and there was no indication his wrist had been so severely damaged a few moments before.
    A miracle, you say? No, just an example of what the mind can do when properly directed.
    This man is no different from you and his abilities are no greater than those you possess. He
    just knows the Secret. His name is Glenn Whitten and he lives in Statesville, North Carolina.
    He has given permission for this report to be published and will confirm it if requested.
    In the foregoing example the mind is mentioned as the healing agent. Powerful healing
    ability resides in that little understood and often underrated faculty of yours called the mind;
    not the brain, the mind! There is a vast difference. The mind uses the brain like a tool, but is
    limited all too often by the brain's erroneous convictions as to what can be done and what
    cannot. The human mind is capable of doing many surprising things, as science is just
    beginning to discover, and the ability to heal without medicine or surgery is one of them. We
    are blessed today with many men and women who are able to heal and help others. Some are
    called psychic healers; others, who operate in a religious atmosphere, are called faith healers.
    Recently it has become clear that all use their minds to heal even though most of them act
    instinctively and do not fully understand the process involved. They thus have great difficulty
    in transmitting to others a comprehension of what they do. Few attempt it and those who do
    have but little success. Yet Ben Bibb knows quite clearly what he does and how he does it and
    can transmit this amazing secret to others. In this book he will disclose it to you.
    There are on file literally hundreds of reports of healings by the pupils of Ben Bibb and
    confirming acknowledgments from the people who have been helped. These pupils are men and
    women like yourself with little or no medical knowledge or training. This is emphasized
    because it is normal for you to question your own ability to heal. The knowledge that so many
    people, literally hundreds, have already learned to heal themselves and others should encourage
    you to try it yourself, so read on.
    Let us look at the case of May McLoughlin. She had been troubled for years by chronic sinus
    attacks. At times her head would ache so badly behind the nose and eyes that she would be
    unable to see. These attacks would also weaken her legs so she could hardly stand. This
    debilitated condition would usually prevail for about twenty-four hours after the actual pain in
    the head had subsided. Edith Jacques, who had been trained by Ben Bibb, gave her a treatment
    and within one hour the pain was gone. Three hours later she was walking without difficulty
    and hungry for her dinner. Since then, four months prior to this writing, the sinus attacks have
    not retuned.
    Everyone who has given this system a fair trial is willing to endorse it. They all say, "It
    works!" A letter from Vera Gatto of Paterson, New Jersey to Ben Bibb is an example:
    I was in constant pain in my lower back due to many extreme bouts with surgery. My physicians all
    told me I would have to live with it because they could no longer give me anything but temporary relief
    from my constant agony of pain. But now, since my treatment by you six months ago, I have been
    without pain. What a miraculous healing!
    Blessing you always, Vera Gatto
    Thus writes a grateful woman.
    In the pages that follow are detailed instructions together with practical examples to support
    every phase of this Medipic technique, as the students refer to it. The phrase Medipic is used
    because pictures are sent mentally from the healer to the sufferer in a manner which will be
    explained to you as you read along.
    Bear in mind that this healing method is not to be classified as inspirational, religious or
    spiritual. It is scientific, and in all probability will be incorporated into standard medical
    practice within the next few years. Most doctors already agree that the patient is largely
    responsible for healing himself and that their efforts are bent toward removing the blocks to
    that self-healing. The Medipic technique is but an extension of this idea and consists in part of
    an intelligent, well-directed stimulation of the inner mind toward that end. This is not meant to
    imply there is no place for Divine Power in this healing method. On the contrary, no work of
    man, great or small, can be accomplished without Divine Assistance, but some human effort is
    required. If one desired to build a bridge, how foolish he would seem if he requested Divine
    Assistance and then sat back doing nothing as he waited for the bridge to appear. What person
    planning a dinner would just ask for Divine Assistance and then relax in an easy chair while
    waiting for the table to set itself and the dinner to manifest. Buildings and bridges and yes, even
    cathedrals and cakes are created by human hands, human minds and human effort. Divine
    Assistance, yes, but not without human planning and work. So it is also with healing. Such is
    the Medipic Technique.
    In the chapters that follow this technique is explained in complete detail and the Amazing
    Secrets of Psychic Healing are revealed.
    You have only to put the miracles of psychic healing into practice to realize restored health
    and peace of mind for yourself and those you love.
    Ben O. Bibb, D.D. Joseph J. Weed
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