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    An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
    ISBN 9781419923760
    Defiled Copyright © 2009 Evangeline Anderson
    Edited by Shannon Combs
    Cover art by Syneca
    Electronic book Publication September 2009
    The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.
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    This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
    is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.
    Evangeline Anderson
    Evangeline Anderson
    Chapter One
    Eternity is a very long time. An unimaginable length of darkness and light that
    mere mortals cannot begin to comprehend. In fact only those who are given the gift of
    immortality, of life never-ending, can begin to understand it. The cherubim and the
    seraphim who stand at the right hand of the Lord of Hosts grasp it. Likewise the
    demons and Hell spawn who tend the fiery pit for the Evil One can grip the concept in
    their dark minds. All of these celestial and demonic beings are condemned to go on and
    on forever with the knowledge that nothing will ever change for any of them.
    All except one.
    Every millennium the youngest, most innocent angel in all of Heaven is given to the
    foulest, most evil demon in Hell. It is a terrifying and deadly ordeal when the two meet,
    for the pure and gentle celestial spirit is destined to be defiled by the savage lusts of the
    creature of darkness. A great pity indeed. But how else to keep the balance between the
    two otherworldly realms? It is a necessary sacrifice long arranged between the powers
    of good and evil and it cannot be stopped. If it were, the war between Heaven and Hell
    would overflow upon Earth, wreaking havoc and carnage and wiping all life from the
    surface of the blue-green globe that hovers in space between them.
    Elandra, the youngest and most beautiful member of the Heavenly Host, knew
    these things. And yet she never understood that
    was to be the sacrificial lamb cast to
    the ravening wolves of the underworld. Somehow it never crossed her mind though the
    signs were all there, if only she had looked.
    Her life was idyllic. She sang sweetly in the Heavenly Choir and worked in her own
    little cloud garden where she coaxed the sweetest blooms to grow. Some of her time
    was spent with the other angels, but she loved time to herself as well. Time to look into
    the starry sky and dream and wonder and wish for hours on end. All of these innocent
    pastimes were fairly usual for an angel.
    And yet, Elandra was different.
    It is said that whenever the Lord of Hosts creates an angel, a new star appears in the
    sky to mark the occasion. And no star shone so brightly and beautifully as Elandra’s.
    Had she been on Earth, she would have seen how it lit the night sky with a powerful
    radiance unequaled among the heavenly bodies. Just as her star was different from the
    other celestial beings’, so was her form.
    Under their pure white robes, as thin as the finest gossamer and soft as the most
    expensive silk, the bodies of Elandra’s friends were straight and sexless. Their flat
    chests bore only the tiniest light pink buds—the mere suggestion of nipples. Between
    their legs were only colorless, undeveloped cocks that barely deserved the name if they
    were male. Females had pale slits as dry and uninviting to the shaft of the opposite sex
    as tiny, frigid deserts.
    Not so for Elandra. Her body was slender but curvy and she had full, heavy breasts
    tipped with dark pink nipples just begging to be sucked. And the tender furrow
    between her legs was no sexless slit—it had lately blossomed into a hungry pleasure
    flower—a change Elandra didn’t know what to think of. The lips of her cunt always
    seemed swollen with need and her inner pussy was flushed a dark, inviting pink
    although she had no idea what she needed.
    Sometimes for no apparent reason the little button in the folds of her cunt would
    throb and ache and a special, slippery honey would coat her pussy. Then Elandra
    would feel strange and tingly all over as though she was waiting for something,
    something she couldn’t understand or define. She thought of asking her friends, the
    other angels, if they ever experienced such things. But just the idea of trying to describe
    what was happening to her was terribly embarrassing. Besides, she could plainly see
    through the thin, gauzy robes they all wore that they were different from her—their
    bodies were slender and perfect and sexless while hers…was not. So she would hide in
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