Katalog składa się z 1001 haseł
Anvil, książki, po angielsku, a
The Interstellar Patrol THE CLAW AND THE CLOCK Iadrubel Vire glanced over the descriptive documents thoughtfully. A promising world. However, considering the extent of the Earthmen's possessions, and the size of their Space Force, one hesitates to start ...
Anons, E-book PL, Romans, Thornton Elizabeth
ELIZABETH THORNTON „The Courier" 12 czerwca 1804 roku Od naszego specjalnego korespondenta Winchester, sesja sadu. posiedzenie w dniu 11 czerwca 1804 roku W sądzie hrabstwa Hampshire w Winchester rozpoczął się dzisiaj sensacyjny proces Sary Carstairs, lat 21, ...
Andrzej Jopkiewicz, Książki
11891Minigry sportowedla najmłodszychPrzewodnik metodycznyAndrzej Jopkiewicz Piotr WróblewskiMinigry sportowedla najmłodszychPrzewodnik metodycznyKielce 1996Wydział Pedagogiczny WyŜszej Szkoły Pedagogicznej im. Jana Kochanowskiegoul. ...
Anderson Poul - Podniebna Krucjata (), E-booki, Anderson Poul
POUL ANDERSON PODNIEBNA KRUCJATA (The High Crusade) przełożył Jarosław Kotarski PROLOG Kiedy kapitan uniósł głowę, osłonięta lampa rzuciła mu na twarz kontrastujące pasy światła i cienia. Przez otwarte okno ...
Andrew Lane - Młody Sherlock Holmes - Czerwona pijawka, Książki
ANDREW LANE: CZERWONA PIJAWKA: Andrew Lane(ur. 1963) - brytyjski pisarz, scenarzysta, dziennikarz, fan Sherlocka Holmesa. Jest autorem około dwudziestu powieści (opartych m.in. na ...
Antonio Labriola – Przeciwko rewizjonizmowi (1899 rok), Komunizm - Socjalizm, Antonio Labriola
Antonio LabriolaPrzeciwko rewizjonizmowiStudenckie Koło Filozofii Marksistowskiej (Uniwersytet Warszawski)WARSZAWA 2007Antonio Labriola – Przeciwko rewizjonizmowi (1899 rok)„Przeciwko rewizjonizmowi. Na marginesie książki Bernsteina” ...
Anne Stuart - Break the Night, Ksiazki, txt
break the nightbyanne stuartCHAPTER ONELizzie Stride pushed her hair away from her face, leaving a streak ofred paint across her high cheekbone. It was too hot in her studioapartment, but she couldn't afford to turn up the air-conditioning.She couldn't open any windows, ...
Anne McCaffrey - Cykl-Jeźdźcy smoków z Pern (03) Biały Smok, E-BOOKI
Anne McCaffrey Biały Smok przekład : Anna Wojtaszczyktom III cyklu Jeźdźcy smoków z PernW Warowni Ruatha, przejście bieżące, Obrót dwunasty - No, jeżeli on teraz nie jest czysty - powiedział Jaxom N'tonowi, przejeżdżając po raz ostatni ...
Anna Jantar Jacek Piekara FULL, Literatura faktu
//--> Anna JantarJacek Piekara Jak ściągnąć Anna Jantar? - INSTRUKCJA1. Kliknijtutaj2. Postępuj zgodnie ze wskazówkami.3. Ciesz się Anna Jantar na swoim komputerze:)Jaka naprawdę była Anna Jantar, jak wyglądało jej życie i kariera? Na te pytania ...
Anthony Patterson - Moc podświadomości, Kierunki nauki, Psychologia
ANTHONY PATTERSON - MOC PODŚWIADOMOŚCI Z francuskiego przełożyła Agnieszka Barbara Ciepłowska Tytuł oryginału Les pouvoirs du subconscient Wydanie – rok 2005 Wstęp W każdym z nas drzemie potężna siła, nieograniczona ...
Andrzej Batko - Sztuka Perswazji czyli język wpływu i manipulacji, NLP, Samodoskonalenie, Tworzenie pieniędzy, Psychologia, Motywacja
Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Nieautoryzowane rozpowszechnianie całości lub fragmentu niniejszej publikacji w jakiejkolwiek postaci jest zabronione. Wykonywanie kopii metodą kserograficzną, fotograficzną, a także kopiowanie książki na nośniku ...
Anthony Laura - Sobowtór narzeczonej, AMNEZJA
Laura AnthonySobowtór narzeczonej(Look-Alike Bride)Przełożył Marek ZakrzewskiROZDZIAŁ PIERWSZY– Ojej! Twoja bliźniaczka zrywa zaręczyny!– Co takiego? – Bonnie Bradford odepchnęła fotel od biurka. Siedziała w jednym z biur w centrum Fort Worth, ...
An Echo in Time Atlantis - Traci Harding, ebook
//-->TO SELWA ANTHONYFOR MAKING MY DREAMA REALITYanEchoinTimeA t l a n t i sBook Two: The Ancient Future TrilogyTraciHardingContentsDedicationCharacters of the Dark AgeMap of Britain, 539 ADPART 1: LIFE1 Ossa and the Elder Tree2 Lughnasa — The Gathering3 The ...
Anderson Evangeline - Deal with the Devil, Ebooki, A, Anderson Evangeline
DEAL WITH THE DEVIL Evangeline Anderson Nieoficjalne łumaczenie:EricaNorthmanJenny13 Nasze pierwsze wspólne ...
Anna Owczarz-Dadan - Abc Fotografii Cyfrowej I Obróbki Zdjęć, Poradniki Fotografi KSIAZKI, Poradnik fotografii
IDZ DOPRZYK£ADOWABC fotografii cyfrowejSPIS TREœCIi obróbki zdjêæKATALOG KSI¥¯EKAutor: Anna Owczarz-DadanISBN: 83-246-0752-8Format: B5, stron: 344KATALOG ONLINEZAMÓW DRUKOWANY KATALOGTWÓJ KOSZYKDODAJ DO KOSZYKAZdjêcia robiæ ka¿dy mo¿e, ...
Anthology 2. Mysteria Lane, ebooki
Mysteria Lane MaryJanice Davidson, Susan Grant, Gena Showalter, P. C Cast Introduction The Town of Mysteria ... Hundreds of years ago, in the mountains of Colorado, the small town of Mysteria was “accidentally” founded by a random act of demonic kindness. Over time, it has become a veritable magnet for the supernatural—a place where magic has quietly coexisted with the mundane world. It’s a town like any other town, where the high school’s Fighting Fairies give fans something to cheer about, where everyone knows your name—if not exactly what you are—at the local bar, and where the wishing well actually lives up to its name. Strange occurrences happen every day, but now the ladies of Mysteria are about to unleash a tempest of seduction that will have tongues wagging for centuries to come . . . DISDAINING TROUBLE Mary Janice Davidson Prologue When the Desdaine triplets were born on a frigid February night (Withering came first, then Derisive, then Scornful, all sunny‐side up and staring with big blue eyes at the ceiling), the doctor and attending nurse screamed and screamed. This startled Mrs. Desdaine, who started doing quite a bit of screaming herself, despite the epidural. Two other nurses and a resident also came running, and so did a custodian, wielding a mop like a lance. The doctor was screaming because the nurse had dropped a tray full of sterilized instruments on his foot, and a scalpel was sticking out of his little toe. The nurse was screaming because he knew his clumsiness was going to cost him his job. Derisive, Scornful, and Withering just stared at the hysteria greeting their first moments out of the womb, then obligingly yowled when the cold air bit their fair skin and they were poked and prodded and (finally) swaddled in warm blankets. (The janitor went away, presumably to mop something; ditto the superfluous personnel.) Of course, even in a town like Mysteria, natural triplets (that is, triplets born without the aid of artificial means like IVF or a really good splitting spell) were rare, and triplets that brought about screaming fits from qualified medical personnel were rarer still. So it wasn’t long before stories began to spring up about the Desdaine triplets. The why behind the stories became blurred over time, but the plain truth behind the stories—the triplets were weird—never shaded much one way or the other. On their second birthday, the girls discovered they could do magic. On their third birthday, they discovered if they cooperated, they could do more magic. On their fifth birthday, they decided being good guys was for suckers. And on their sixth, they decided they could count on no one but themselves, but that was perfectly all right. Mom was scolding and loving and superb at not noticing things; Dad had died a month before they were born. And so time passed, probably the only magic those who don’t live in Mysteria are aware of or care about. And the triplets grew older, but not fast enough to suit them or their mother. One “Ho‐ho,” Derisive chortled. “Here he comes.” The triplets were sunning themselves by the wishing well, a charming stone well shaded by trees in the center of town. They had chased the nightmare away for the sixth night in a row with a combination of charms and spit spells and were celebrating by torturing the mailman, who was a drunk, a kicker of cats, and unpleasant besides. The girls, who were beautiful and knew it (bad) but attached no importance to it (not so bad), were identically dressed in denim shorts, red tank tops, and white flip‐flops. Although most twins and triplets outgrew the dressing‐in‐the‐same‐outfit stage by, oh, sixteen months, the Desdaines liked it. The better to fool you with, my dear. “Mom alert?” Withering asked, squinting. Their mother, thank all the devils, was nowhere in sight. Scornful waved her hand in the direction of the Begorra Irish Emporium. “Still looking at those tacky little leprechauns.” “Not so tacky,” Withering reminded her sister. “They do grant one wish.” “Yawn,” Scornful replied. “Little silly wishes, like not overdoing the turkey. Nothing significant.” “Do‐gooder alert?” Derisive also waved a hand. “Do‐gooder” encompassed three‐fourths of the town; there were so few really evil people around these days. That would change when they grew up. As it was, at fourteen, they were formidable. If a Mysteria resident wasn’t a do‐gooder, they were neutral, and stayed out of things. This suited the triplets fine. “No problems. Everybody’s at lunch.” “Here he comes,” Withering said, her nails sinking into Scornful’s arm like talons. She ignored her sister’s yelp of pain. Her conscience was clear, but then, it usually was. Besides, Mr. Raggle, the postal carrier, wouldn’t be the focus of their wrath if he hadn’t called their mother That Name. And in front of the whole pizza parlor, too. “Jerkweed,” she added. “Now,” Derisive said, and all three girls made the sign of a V with their fingers, spat through the Vs, then stomped on the spit. They visualized Mr. Raggle coming to harm and, before the thought had barely formed in their treacherous teenaged minds— “Hey! Help! Aaaagggghhh!” “Scared of heights,” Scornful said thoughtfully, eyeing the postal carrier who had been picked up by unseen forces and flung into the highest branch of the closest maple tree. “Probably shouldn’t have mentioned that where you could hear,” Withering said, smiling with approval. She rarely smiled, and both her sisters took it as a gift, and not without astonishment. “Teach him to call our mother names,” Derisive added, and spat again for good measure. “Girls!” “Uh‐oh.” Derisive craned to look. “Must have run out of leprechauns to look at.” “You girls!” Their mother was running toward them at full speed, black curly hair bobbing all over the place. The triplets knew they took after their late father; their mother was petite, while they already had two inches on her; she was dark‐eyed, while their eyes were sky‐colored; and they had straight blond hair that hardly moved in gale‐force winds. “Girls! I swear, I can’t turn my back on you for five seconds!” “That’s true,” Withering said. “You can’t.” “Get him down! Right . . . now!” The triplets studied their mother, whom they loved but did not like, and tried to gauge the seriousness of her mood. A grounding, they did not need. Not with Halloween only three months away.
Andrzej Szymański - Poradnik Ziolowy, zielarstwo
Andrzej Szymański Poradnik ziołowy dla chorych na żołądek i wątrobę Wydawnictwo "MADA" Warszawa 1994 Opracowanie graficzne i techniczne: Małgorzata Maksimczuk © Copyright by Andrzej Szymański Warszawa 1994 Copyright by Wydawnictwo"MADA" Warszawa 1994 ...
Andrzej Sapkowski, CAŁE MNÓSTWO TEKSTU
Andrzej SapkowskiChrzest ognia Wówczas rzekła wróżka do wiedmina: "Takš ci dam radę: obuj żelazne buty, we do ręki kostur żelazny. Id w żelaznych butach na koniec wiata, a drogę przed sobš kosturem macaj, łzami skraplaj. Id przez ogień i wodę, nie ...
Anatomia smaku - Żakowski Jacek, #ZDROWIE
Aby rozpocząć lekturę,kliknij na taki przycisk ,który da ci pełny dostęp do spisu treści książki.Jeśli chcesz połączyć się z Portem WydawniczymLITERATURA.NET.PLkliknij na logo poniżej.Jacek ŻakowskiANATOMIA SMAKUczyli rozmowy o losach ...
Andrzej Bursa - Wybor Poezji [Zlotopolsky],
W sieci zebrał Andrzej Bursa - Aktor prowincjonalnyZziębnięty Szekspir chlipie zupęBy ulgę przynieść głodnym trzewiomMądrością jest w jadle się skupićBy nie przyglądać się pogrzebomTeatr i cmentarz gra bez przerwyWedług obwieszczeń rady ...
Android Phones For Dummies, EBOOKI
//-->Android™ Phones For Dummies®, 3rd EditionPublished by:John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774,www.wiley.comCopyright © 2015 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New JerseyPublished simultaneously in CanadaNo part of this ...
Anvil, JEZYKI, En espanol, A
EL BRUJO CAUTIVO Christopher AnvilEl capitán de la guardia Skeerig Klith alzó la vista cuando el primer teniente Ladigan Grul entró con aspecto alicaído. -Señor -dijo Grul, tendiendo un manojo de papeles.-- la compañía de combate acaba de traer un extraterrestre. ...
Ange Daniel - Zraniony pasterz, E-BOOKI
Autor: Daniel AngeTytul: ZRANIONY PASTERZ ABY ODCZYTAĆ TĘ NIEWIELKĄ KSIĄŻKĘ nie przerzucaj kartek, tak jakby to była powieść. Nie uciekaj w nią jak w fikcyjną przygodę, należącą jedynie do literatury.Książka ta nie jest ani jednym, ...
- zanotowane.pl
- doc.pisz.pl
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- wzory-tatuazy.htw.pl Strona 28 / 44 • 1 ... 25, 26, 27, 28 , 29, 30, 31 ... 44
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